34. His Strength

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Ignore Shivaay. Find Omkara and Rudra. Ignore Shivaay. Ask Omkara or Rudra about Priyanka's whereabouts. Ignore Shivaay. Meet Priyanka. Ignore Shivaay. Explain to Priyanka why she should not have tried to suicide. Ignore Shivaay. Bid bye to the three Oberoi siblings. Ignore Shivaay.

That was Annika's plan when she entered the hospital the address of which Rudra texted her half an hour ago. It was strange how she worried more about Shivaay when it was Priyanka who was about to die.

Her eyes looked for Om or Rudra while her heart craved for a sight of its bearer. She neared the reception when none of the Oberois were visible.

"Priyanka Singh Oberoi?" she asked.

"Sorry, ma'am. Mr. Oberoi won't allow any outsider to meet her at this moment," the nurse who stood beside the receptionist informed.

Annika wanted to snap at her, yell that she was Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi and not an outsider, but the part of her heart that stayed mad over Shivaay's deeds did not let a single word escape her mouth.

"She is our bhabhi," she heard Omkara's voice behind her. Annika turned slightly to see her brother-in-law's distraught face.

"Oh, sorry," the nurse apologized.

"Good that you are here," Om neared Anniika, "Shivaay has gone mad. He is breaking things like anything and yelling at doctors and nurses with no fault of theirs. He isn't listening to any of us. Maybe he will listen to you."

Annika recalled the events of the evening when she left him and his home for her own good. If he listened to her, they won't be like this.

"Om, why would you leave him alone?" her quivering voice was obvious to everyone but her.

"Rudra is with him. Bechara can't handle Shivaay alone though," he informed.

"Prinku?" she asked.

"She is in ICU. Blood transfusion was done successfully. She is still unconscious. Family isn't allowed yet. We are stationed in the emergency waiting room for now. Come!" Om led Annika to where Shivaay and Rudra were.


Her steps faltered just like her plan. She wasn't supposed to meet Shivaay. If she came across him, she was to ignore him. And now, Om led her to a place where Shivaay was all she could see. Rudra was there too. Her eyes were only for Shivaay though.

He looked like he didn't sleep for days. But Priyanka attempted to suicide earlier in the evening only? His forever well-gelled hair looked no less than a bird's nest. His shirt was only half tucked in. She was, needless to say, worried about him even more.

She stood at her place. Their eyes met. Her teary ones and his red ones seemed to do all the talking when Omkara and Rudra walked out of the room giving the couple much-needed privacy.

Realizing about his brothers' departure, Shivaay inched closer to Annika. She didn't move. Nor she moved when he wrapped his arms around her.

It was electrifying to have his body so close to hers. His arms snaked down her waist. Hers couldn't reach as much as his back. His grip was too tight on her waist. At one point, she felt like she couldn't breathe properly. She felt something wet on her shoulder blade. Her arms immediately snaked up his back.

She let him cry without pointing it out. She chose to upheld his ego though it was the very thing that separated her from her husband for a week.


A knock on the door brought the two of them to reality. Shivaay reluctantly let go of Annika. He still gripped her hand tightly and she chose to let him do it.

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