7. Her First Day (ii)

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Shivaay entered his room and started to pace back and forth. Most likely, this girl was going to embarrass herself on the first day of their marriage. What could he do if she was the one to suicide? Why does he even care what she does or does not?

No, he cared. She was his wife. And he cared if Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi embarrassed herself due to her inability to cook.

A click on the door gained his attention. He turned to find her entering the room.

"I hope I didn't disrupt whatever you were doing," she spoke, "I just came here to grab my phone."

"Huh?" he stammered, being out of words.

Annika chuckled, "Don't mind me saying, but you look cute when you are confused."

Shivaay straightened up. He went closer to her and spoke, "Do you know how to cook?"

Cat caught her tongue. In reality, she didn't know how to cook. Yet, she couldn't offend her in-laws on the first day itself.


"You can say anything without hesitation," he assured her.

She sighed, "I don't. I don't know how to cook. Sorry."

"It's fine. There is nothing to be sorry about. It's not  absolutely necessary for all ladies to know how to cook. I don't care anyway," he said.

She frowned once again. She was hell confused about the man, who was apparently her husband. At times, he talks like he cares, others, he doesn't care at all. Even now, when he said he is fine with her not knowing how to cook, she was happy. But when he said he doesn't care if she knew how to cook or not, it pricked. 

Shivaay turned his attention from her to his work. He opened the cupboard and took out a file. He was about to leave when she interrupted him,

"Please don't leave," she asked.

He turned to her, "Excuse me?"

Annika strode her way to him.

"This is our first day after marriage. We don't know each other well, but I don't know your family at all. I would appreciate if you stay at home today." she sighed after her short speech. It took a lot of courage. Where was the confident Annika when it came to him. The sight of him made her act like she never pictured herself doing.

He nodded. After all, that's what he wanted. For her to be comfortable in this house. If him staying at home for a day would do so, he would do so happily.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"I will be in my study, go straight, third door to the left. If you need anything, just knock in there," he informed.

Annika took a deep breath. She was expected in the kitchen for her pehli rasoi. And here she spent a good amount of time inside the room with her husband. She could see he was trying to make her feel comfortable. But in the end, her heart was to decide how comfortable she could be here.

The short interaction that took place between Shivaay and Annika was overheard by Kalyani since the door was open. She knew her grandson enough to learn that he didn't love Annika. Nor would he care for her comfort if she was from a middle-class family. All this could have been with Mallika, the girl of her choice, unless he decided to marry a girl merely for his business.


Soon, Annika joined Kalyani in the kitchen.

"Did you decide what you want to make?" Kalyani asked.

Annika thought of an answer. What would she make? What was an easy recipe?

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