27. Alluring Kisses

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Annika felt disturbed due to Aditi's constant eye on Shivaay. She couldn't help but hold Shivaay's arms tightly while he engaged in a nice conversation with a fellow businessman. Aditi was beyond Annika's comprehension. She knew that Shivaay was attractive and all that, but ogling at a married man was so wrong.

Her assurance was in the fact that Shivaay shared her annoyance of Aditi.

"This is my wife, Annika," Shivaay's arm around her shoulder brought her back from her train of thoughts. She put on her best fake smile and shook hands with Mr. Sengal who Shivaay introduced her to. She couldn't help but recall their reception where she met the same man with the same fake smile. Back then, the world of fake smiles was an alien to her. Now, she realized that two more parties and she would be an expert actress like Shivaay was.

"Shivaay did you introduce Annika to Mr. and Mrs. Ahuja? I saw them pass by. If I am not wrong, you guys are collaborating on a project?" Aditi said.

"Ms. Bora," Shivaay stressed, letting both the ladies know that he didn't like how Aditi addressed him by his first name, "Thanks for reminding. The show is yet to start. We better make some good use of time"

He turned to Annika, "Shall we, baby?"

Annika choked on some air, all blushing due to the endearment used. She placed her hand on Shivaay's, who helped her stand up.


Once in a distance, Shivaay stopped again to fuss about Aditi's presence. Strangely, Annika found it very cute. She slightly brushed her palm on the lapel of his coat and asked him to calm down.

"What kind of wife are you?" he complained to which Annika furrowed her brows, "She was ogling at me and you couldn't do as much as glare at her."

"Billu ji, calm down," she advised.

"Bi—Bill—Billu," he stammered, "Don't call me that."

"Why?" she played innocent.

"Only Dadi calls me that."

Kalyani's mention mummed her. Though Kalyani was warming up to her, Annika still felt strange to the former's ways. It felt like a deal. As long as Annika kept Shivaay happy, she was liked. Annika knew that one fault in her court and she would lose the courteous Kalyani.

"Now that we stood up, let's just go and meet the Ahujas."

Annika recalled Mr. Ahuja as the man with a big paunch and browline glasses. Well, anyone was better than Aditi. She happily followed Shivaay to greet the couple.


After Ahujas, Shivaay and Annika met a bunch of other families Annika did not remember the names or faces of. She memorized all the faces, some she knew the names of and some she could not match faces to the names. She needed more parties before she could finally claim to be an expert with people.

"How do you remember all the names?" she expressed her surprise once they were finally alone.

"It just happens. You meet the same people over and over again in different social events and it clicks one day," Shivaay said, "It happened the same way in my case too."

"I wish I attended these parties with Dad whenever I was in India," she said more to herself than Shivaay as the list of names and faces she now must memorize haunted her.

"Trust me, you don't wish to meet half of them."

"These parties are filled with Aditis."

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