Bonus. 4

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Timeline: A day before Shivika's 1st anniversary

It was a rare occurrence for Annika to wake up before Shivaay. She was glad that's how she began the first day of their real honeymoon. She took the chance to admire his baby face while sleeping and laughed at his open mouth. She ran her finger over his bare chest. His legs were also tucked under hers. He always slept like that. It was very cute.

"Jiske baare me bhi soch rahi ho, sochna band karo." He planted a kiss on her thigh where the negligee she wore ended. She shuddered in excitement. He was awake. She leaned nearer to him in reflex. She smiled embarrassingly thinking of oh-so-many ways she tried to seduce Shivaay last night. She could only get him to open his shirt. He was tired from half a day's journey and slept hugging her as soon as hitting the bed.

"Agar aapke bare mein sochu toh?" He pulled her closer. And closer. Even her smile was seductive these days. He was so wrong when he thought the excitement would be over after consummation. He shifted his head from the pillow to Annika's lap.

"I don't want to think about you anymore," she said in a rather teasing manner, "Let's see where shall we visit today." She tried to reach the bedside table for the visitors' guide. He held her hands back. Mumbai or Vancouver he needed her complete attention.

"We can visit different corners of our room. It's big enough, don't worry about that."

"I want to explore Vancouver."

"You can explore different parts of my body. In fact, we should explore each other."

She hit him playfully. When did he ever learn to talk so dirty?

"Oops, you know every nook and corner."

"You promised me I can plan our honeymoon. You must do as I say."

"Ahuh. You have the next thirteen days to plan. The first day is mine." He began nuzzling her stomach. She was looking too sexy in the white net negligee she wore. He was the stupid one to sleep.

Annika closed her eyes for few moments. He peppered kisses on her belly. A day in bed with Shivaay sounded too good to be true. They didn't get such days in Mumbai. Either a family member disturbed them or he got a call from the office. She caressed his hair. She was enjoying the attention though she won't show it. She placed her other hand on his hand that rested on her navel. He was trying to feel her through the flimsy material of her robe.



"Go take a shower."

"You have to come along."

She blushed and started hitting him. He sat upright caging her between the bed frame and himself. She closed her eyes due to the proximity. She felt his breath fanning her face. He placed a lingering kiss on her nose. It turned red and the reason was not Vancouver's weather. He caressed her arms. She pressed her back against the frame. He scooted closer.

"Let me go."

He kissed her right cheek. She was blushing. If she really wanted to go, he would have let her. Now no more. He rubbed her cheek with his. His stubble tickled her like always. She bit her lips. He kissed her near her lips. He knew all the right tricks to turn her on. But she couldn't give in so easily. He made her impatient last night, so it was only fair that he had his own share of torture.

"You are mine." He hid in the crook of her neck. He nuzzled in her skin. Her negligee was falling out of place. He smirked. It didn't deserve to kiss her body when he was there. His arms took their previous position on either side of her. He stuck his tongue out and gave her a nice, long lick. She shuddered, moaned in pleasure.

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