68. Love? Love and Love!

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Annika hurried inside her bedroom and shut the door before he could reach it. She realized she had shut it literally on his face but she cared less. For once she felt happy to learn that he didn't sign the divorce. Then again, she was confused about what he was up to. If he didn't want this, why didn't he say so earlier? She knew she was very mad on the night she decided to divorce him. He could have told her later when she calmed down. What was the logic behind following her home, playing all cool, and irritating her more? Annika groaned in frustration. She could hear Shivaay knocking on the door again and again.

She recalled the last time she locked herself and he got so worried. A shy smile found her lips. Shivaay got worried for her too easily. She found it cute. All her madness, all grievances against him suddenly seemed to be draining away. Her eyes started seeing new dreams where they are together and happy again. Once again, she let herself dream without caring about unrequited love. She let herself fall without fear of losing.


"For the nth time, Annika," Shivaay knocked on the door once again. She behaved very very strangely after they stopped at the gas station. He had understood she was hungry by the rumbles inside her stomach breaking the silence in the car earlier. He wanted her to eat. Of all things, she decided to lock herself in a room again. He knew he was getting more worried than he should be. He was like that when it came to her.

Omkara's words rang in the back of his mind. Love. Huh! He did not want to think about it. He turned facing against the door. He leaned his head on the wall of the corridor. Memories of Annika's childhood were painted on the wall in the form of pictures. Some of them included Harsh as well. A few of them featured an unknown woman with Harsh. He realized she must be Annika's mom. He never learned how she looked. Shivaay mocked himself. He remained unaware of one of the greatest details of his wife's life for a long time. Annika herself talked less of her mom. She knew everything he was learning by seeing the pictures. Her parents looked like a great couple. Harsh never married after his wife left. Such dedication to a dead spouse. He was amazed. He knew Annika must be too. He didn't know what he would do if Annika left him alone with a daughter. Will he marry again after a few years? Or he will stay her widower for life as Harsh did.

Shivaay could process everything in the back of his mind. The dedication was what Annika called love. Romance novels and movies alone couldn't dare to corrupt a girl Annika's mind. She knew this feeling, she felt this feeling from the early days of her life. She listened to this love story growing up. She wanted a man who loved her like Harsh loved her mom. The romance portrayed in fiction could only influence her thoughts, not create them. The romance in real life grew in her system. Just like his beliefs grew in him.

He realized that love was not a complicated thing at all. Love was not poetic or fictional either. Love was something that is felt by one heart and finds its way to reach the other. Just like Annika's pain reached him. And his happiness reached her.

The creak of the opening door brought an end to Shivaay's muse. She had changed and looked less tired.

"I need to hire someone to change these doors. They are too old," Annika remarked.

"I will ask Khanna to get someone tomorrow," he offered. She looked at him all smiles. He was surprised that she listened to him at once. He smiled as well. Wives rarely listen, but when they do it touches your heart.

"Oops, I need to get changed as well," he realized he had been in his suits and boots still. He excused himself and entered the room to change. Annika made her way to the kitchen to finally satisfy her tummy.


Shivaay joined Annika at the small dinner table set in her kitchen soon afterward. He didn't fail to notice how flustered she was. His lips automatically formed an amused smile. He wasn't leaving the chance to rile her up again.

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