Bonus. 5

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Timeline: A few weeks after Shivika's 2nd anniversary

Shivaay looked at himself in the mirror dressed in his usual immaculate suit and trousers. He was very happy. It was an important day for Annika. In turn for himself. The past couple of days had been a ride. Sometimes she was excited, sometimes she was nervous. He didn't recall being nervous or excited during his time. He was very calm and composed. He couldn't relate to her sentiments.


He sighed. She must have changed for the fifth time and was calling him to comment on her dress. He had his reply ready.

"What is it?" he asked entering the closet.

"How do I look?" she asked nervously

"Beautiful." pat came his reply. She scowled. This was the fifth dress she changed and his reply was the same.

"This, this, that and those, all were beautiful," she pointed at the dresses she wore earlier, "and now this too?"

"I mean you are beautiful, so how does it matter what you wear?"

"You are saying this so I don't feel bad." She took two steps back and then two steps forward. She was sweating in the air-conditioned mansion. Shivaay walked to her and cupped her face.

"Relax. Just relax." Annika tried to calm down in his arms. "You are looking nice. You don't need to change again. And we are getting late already. Please come."

Annika held him back before he could exit the closet.

"Let me change one last time."

He shook his head in disbelief. He held her hands and said, "You will be wearing a gown over it anyways. Who is going to see what you wear under? And now, come with me. We are getting really late."


Kalyani stopped them to feed Annika some curd and sugar before they could leave. Shivaay didn't understand the logic. She could have fed Annika when Annika was going for exams instead of now. Kalyani shushed him saying she fed her during those times as well and wished to feed her now too. Annika stood smiling, uncaring of the limited time they had in hand. She loved how Kalyani's attitude towards her changed over time. It was an achievement for her. Just like the one she was going to complete today.

"Shall we go?" Shivaay tapped his watch.

"Wait." Annika bent down to touch Kalyani's feet. Kalyani ran her palm over Annika's hand. "Dudho nahao phulo phalo." Annika stood up feeling very awkward. It was the first time Kalyani blessed her with something other than Saubhagyavati bhava. A look at Shivaay told her he shared her sentiments. Any other day Shivaay would have protested. He was tongue-tied at the moment. They never thought about having kids before. They weren't sure if they wanted a third person in their life yet.

"Annika, let's go." He left the hall without looking back. Annika followed suit.


Shivaay took his seat in the convocation hall. Annika already left with a crowd of graduates supposed to sit at the other side of the hall. He wished he had brought Rudra along. He won't be so bored. With everyone on the other side wearing black from head to toe, he couldn't tell where Annika exactly sat.

He was yawning by the time the speeches started. Annika didn't reply to his last text. He wished to leave soon after her name was called, but she wished to stay longer. When he got stubborn, she decided to not reply to him.

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