56. Condoms

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Bhashkor Banerjee hurried out of the car for the nth time. Rana started complaining. Piku sighed, annoyed yet normal around the antics of her Dad. Annika tossed popcorn in her mouth. Her eyes traveled from the TV screen and ended up on Shivaay. It was hard to believe that her head was on his lap. His one hand caressed her hair as the other keyed the keyboard. He was doing something on his laptop. She didn't know what. He seemed to care less about the uncomfortable position. He was stubborn to have her that way.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Definitely not watching the movie." A song was playing. Piku, Bhashkor and Rana were close to the hotel in Banaras. Annika controlled her laugh. She knew he preferred Hollywood to Bollywood. She pulled his cheeks. He softly removed her hand, a bit annoyed.

"My Bhashkor Banerjee," she remarked. Barring constipation, the way they both fussed was cute. He did not reply. She shifted her focus to the movie. Piku was a lucky girl. As Bhashkor aged, he became child-like. Not every daughter gets to enjoy the childhood of her parents. She did. Annika was jealous. She hoped she had the same fate as Piku. Her eyes glistened with tears.

Shivaay sighed. Annika quickly blinked her eyes to let go of the glistening tears. If he saw her crying, he would create a scene. She would not want that.

"The only Bengali actor in the Bhashkor Banerjee drama," she commented as Jisshu Sengupta, Syed, came on screen. Shivaay peeked at the movie. He then looked at Annika. She was watching intently as Rana and Syed kept talking about Bhaskor and his dilemma.

"He and Deepika, I mean Deepika's character are friends with benefits, no?"

Annika gazed at him again. The man won't let her watch a movie. This time she was actually curious as to how he knew Deepika's name. She thought he didn't like Bollywood.

"How do you know Deepika?" she hit his thigh like a typical jealous wife. How dare he know Deepika's name? How dare he know any actress's name?

"I happened to watch a clip from the YouTube channel of Eros. The same old cliche about a nerdy girl and a full-of-life boy falling in love. I saw her name there. It had Rishi Kapoor's son in it as well."

"Ye Jawaani hain Deewani."


She hit him again, "You watch YouTube videos in place of working?"

"Ouch," he faked to be hurt, "There was live Business news being covered on a YouTube channel. And the video happened to be on the recommendation list. Seeing the montage I thought to give it a try." He did not know why he was giving justifications to Annika. She too was being jealous for nothing.

"Okay, at least tell me if my assumption was right," he added.

"Yes," she was still bitter about him knowing Deepika by name. Half of the world's population did was not an issue here.

"I knew it by the look she gave while swaying the way into her room," he sounded energized. She immediately grabbed the remote and turned off the TV.

"You were noticing her expressions?" she asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I mean I peeked once or twice. Happened to be the scene where she sent him a text."

"So you observed the movie so closely that you picked up the hints and were absolutely right on your guess," she was getting more and more frustrated. Her irritation had no defined roots. He just couldn't observe one of the divas of Bollywood.

"Oh, I was so right. Why do you sound so annoyed though?" he looked at the TV screen, "Why did you turn it off?"

"I don't want to watch the movie anymore. I am never watching it again," she decided.

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