63. Jalkukdi, Nautanki Aur Shivaay Ki

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One Week Later

Annika was counting days till her flight to London. She constantly reminded her mind that nothing was holding her back in Mumbai at this point in life. Having Shivaay nearby was an appealing idea that made her weak at times. Then she got reminded of the kiss, her reason for wanting a divorce and she returned to being stubborn.

She pondered over Shivaay's words often. It helped less that he stayed right in front of her. The number of annoying things he did was more than the number of fingers she had. Littering the guest house being one of them She couldn't even react knowing that's what he wished for from the bottom of his heart. If one day she asked him to sleep in another room, he would be found beside her the next morning.

He fired the cook she hired even before the latter's joining wanting to cook himself. As soon as the food reached her stomach, she was the least complaining. Having him near also ensured she got unasked lectures on materials from her MBA class. Having her near him meant he got help in the assessment of files he brought home. Help for help, she would say.

Hearing the sound of the vacuum cleaner, Shivaay changed the direction of his feet to follow the buzzing noise entering a small room where Annika stayed busy cleaning the dirt. He knocked on the door grabbing her attention. She paid him none.

"Hey" finally came his voice. He entered further inside tapping her shoulder.

"Do you remember the last time you vacuumed, you ripped all the pillows of my room?"

Her eyes furrowed, "When did I ever do that?"

"Great. You found your voice." She frowned. She should have been more aware of his strange ways. One of them being following her till here.

"How long will your vacation last?"

Shivaay tapped his feet, looked here and there as if thinking, then replied, "As long as the divorce is in process."

Annika's face fell. Of course, he had to bring this topic. Oh wait, she called for it. "I hope soon." She wished it hurt him as much as it hurt her. She was never a sadist but the repeated mention of divorce along with his presence in her home had made her one. Possibly he would never be sad about all this. She liked to imagine he was.

"I will freshen up," his voice lacked enthusiasm. She turned to see his retreating figure. When he entered, he was in a vivacious mood. Perhaps he was tired, contributing to the quick change of mood. She sighed. Wasn't it better that he wasn't in front of her?


Shivaay cooked and cleaned as usual. But he was also quieter than usual. Something that Annika didn't like. Every night she would want him to shut his mouth. Now that he finally did so, she was unhappy.

"Was there more work than usual in your office?" she asked when they were having dinner.

"How does it matter?" he covered his mouth before yawning, "I have to do all of it while you are in London. I don't run away from my responsibilities."

He bit his tongue. He had promised to not attempt anything. Yet he unknowingly gave away another hint.

"You will never find yourself alone when it comes to business," she promised, "it's not like I am going forever. Just one and a half years.'

Shivaay thanked god the girl didn't get anything. Wait, she didn't get anything, he repeated in his mind. Besides being arrogant and obstinate, she was a tube light.

"If I can manage to be alone in personal life, I can very well manage my professional life as well," his voice trailed.

Annika frowned at his words recalling he talked to someone over the phone asking to find him a date only a week ago. "Why? You have moved on. I am sure you won't be alone for long." It was a bittersweet feeling to verbally recognize that he had moved on. That's what she wanted. For Shivaay to be with someone who he truly wants over a bride from a marriage of convenience. Her selfish self butted in. It bothered her thinking how she couldn't move on, couldn't love again, couldn't let anyone else love her. How dare Shivaay move on leaving her with memories of unrequited love?

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