61. Cool As a Cucumber

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Annika picked up her bag and stuffed all her clothes inside it. Shivaay was clearly annoyed with her. He was done with her. She was sure of her decision more than before. He didn't want her in his life. He only acted for the deal and now that it was out of the way, there was no reason to play a good husband. She won't stay and disturb him further.

He entered the room through the door connected with the poolside. He leaned against the wall with a smile plastered on his handsome face. The deal and divorce papers were in his tight grip. She stuffed her own copy of the deal inside. He watched as she zipped the bag. He knew she was crying. He tried hard not to do anything. She called for it. He won't take all the torments alone.

"Sign the papers and file them," her voice trailed, "I will text you Kapoor Uncle's number if you need help with filing."

He shook his head unbelievably. She was a peculiar woman. A character he would die to live with. But to live with her, he needed her to leave.

"Do you need Khanna to drop you till your home?" his words pricked her like thorns. She was leaving and he didn't care a tad bit? Each moment she was assured that he only cared for the deal all these days.

"No need. I can drive myself."

Shivaay sighed. Of course, she could drive in this state. He texted Khanna urgently. He planned to send that guy after her while he called someone else.

Annika phewed after being done with her packing. He was talking to someone on his phone. She wiped the tears that started flowing down her eyes. She won't show them to Shivaay.

Shivaay saw her standing in the doorway of their room. Ending the call, he apologized, "Oops. Sorry, I was talking to my lawyer. So, bye."

"Bye," her frustration was clearly visible. He was an a** of a man to talk to his lawyer in front of her. They lived together for five months yet he couldn't see the love in her eyes. She left before he could disrespect her love any further.


Kalyani sat in the house temple reciting a chapter from Ramayan like she did every day when the noise of gasps covered her ears. She turned back to find Annika in a praying position with eyes sore from tears.

"Annika? What happened?" she asked being worried. Annika did not reply. "If you are worried about what happened in the interview, don't be. Our reputation won't be harmed. Billu takes care of things like these almost every day."

Annika shook her head, "It's not that, Dadi"

"Then?" Kalyani asked. Annika touched her feet. Kalyani did not understand, yet she blessed her. Annika stood up and held her bag.

"Billu!" Kalyani yelled seeing the bag. "What happened? Does anyone leave home for petty matters like these?"

Annika smiled. If only she knew the actual matter. "Your grandson will explain everything to you."

She paid no attention to the worried lady and walked away. If she stayed any longer, she would turn weak. She didn't want that.

"Billu!" Kalyani's voice resonated in the mansion.

Shivaay descended downstairs with a bag in his hand. Seeing a worried Kalyani, he motioned towards the temple area. She walked closer to him asking, "What is happening, Billu? Why was Annika crying? She left with a bag. What did you do?"

Seeing Shivaay with his best smile on, she was more shocked, "Why are you smiling?"

"Dadi, it was her tears of happiness. By the way, we are leaving and we won't return before next month. Take care of yourself. I will call every once in a while."

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