15. Honey Without Moon (iii)

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Enraged would be an understatement to describe what Shivaay felt after seeing Mallika walking closer to Annika. What was wrong with the woman he didn't know. He did not want to know either. 

Now as he stood there, he only knew that Mallika was not someone to come in between him and his wife for whatever reason. She was jealous, then she better get over his rejection.



Annika turned to find a worried Shivaay behind her. A smile spread on her lips. 

"What did Rudy say?"

Shivaay sighed. Only if he could share.

"Nothing much!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, why?" He pulled out a chair and sat down opposite her.

He looked around. Mallika was nowhere to be seen. A smirk was plastered on his face. Scary cat! He cursed in his mind.

"Order something." He put forward the menu to Annika.

Annika smiled and began scanning the menu. Shivaay tapped his fingers on the table.


Food was served after a while. Some lemon juice and pasta. Shivaay eagerly took some on his plate. 

"I love pasta," he said.

"I know. I remember you said. That's why I ordered it for you."

Shivaay raised his head. The taste of the pasta was not as delicious as the warmth he felt after hearing Annika.

She ordered the pasta for him. Long before, even before their engagement, he told her of his favorite dish. He was amazed by how she remembered that for so long. It was surprising given that he himself forgot about her favorite dish, which she shared at the same time, like he forgets every other minor detail.

"Thank you."

"Mention not." She smiled.

Oh, that smile. He found it beautiful. She was undeniably beautiful. One of the many reasons he enjoyed being close to Annika for the sake of keeping Mallika away, was her physical beauty, which he found sexually appealing. 

He placed his hand on top of hers. Butterflies reignited in Annika's stomach. She was annoyed by the feeling. More so, because it happened only when Shivaay touched her.

Shivaay found Annika struggling in his hold.


And she did. He could hear her exhale heavily. She gasped.


"It's fine," he brushed his thumb on her palm.

Annika bit her lips. A simple touch should not create this intense of a feeling in her mind.

She looked on as he ate with the spoon on his right hand and held her right hand with his left one. Her appetite was lost. The twisted feeling in her guts left no space in her stomach.

"Eat." he signed towards her plate.

Annika felt out of words.

"What?" he was confused.

She told him that she was hungry. That's why they were here. Then why won't she eat?

"You—are—you are—"

Falling in Love - A Shivika Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now