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Timeline: Close to four years of Shivika marriage

Annika woke up to the alarm's voice first thing in the morning. The day was going to be hectic and she had less sleep last night thanks to her dear husband. He was making plans for his dear sister's wedding and got stuck in almost everything. She assumed the role of his go-to person. 

She glanced at him sleeping peacefully. She looked back at her phone showing six. She decided to let him sleep, slipped in her footwear, and went for a shower.

They were near four years to their wedding. Four years included many smiles, a few tears, three relaxing vacations, and some restless work schedules. Annika earned her MBA degree just two years back. She started working with Shivaay. By now, she was capable enough to take care of her family business, heritage as he called it, with the help of 300 employees at their branch and many more across different states in India. Annika often thought they should break the partnership and take care of their respective businesses. It might help keep their personal and professional life separate. The business flared enough raita in the past. Annika didn't want more of it. Neither Shivaay thought about it enough nor they discussed it till now. Life was going as usual. Without problems, Annika thanked god for that.


Annika descended the stairs to find Kalyani arguing with the flower vendors, Khanna directing the decorators, Rudra whispering to the cameraman, Omkara busy in a call, and Ishana was most likely helping Priyanka get ready. Everyone was getting ready for some Phoolon ka chadar function in the evening. Kalyani would explain its meaning later. The wedding was scheduled the following week. She stepped towards Kalyani and insisted to get an insight into the situation.

"I told these people to bring tulips because Prinku loves them, but I don't know who in the family said tulips are banned in this mansion and to bring roses instead," Kalyani said. By now Annika learned where Shivaay got his anger from. Sometimes she looked as dangerous as Shivaay.

"Dadi, I called them," she hesitantly admitted, "Actually, Shivaay is allergic to tulips. I know he can take medicines and cope with them but I don't want to take any risk with his health. If Prinku loves tulips, then I can immediately call the vendor and summon some artificial ones."

Kalyani hit her forehead at the realization. "Annika, I forgot about this. This old age is another disease in itself. I forgot about it. Thank god you remember each and everything about Billu."

Annika smiled. Kalyani lovingly patted her chin and made her way towards the dining table for taking some medicines. Kalyani and Annika's love story was slower than Annika and Shivaay's. Kalyani loved her for the way she loved Shivaay. She loved her for the Shivaay loved Annika. To say she accepted Annika as Shivaay's wife during their wedding itself. She accepted Annika as her daughter-in-law when she understood the love and chemistry between the couple. Annika made Shivaay happy. So how could she not be happy with it?

Annika moved to look at the decoration. Khanna looked like he needed help. A hand snaked around her waist and pulled her closer in a back hug. She didn't need to guess who it was. They recognized each other by their touch, their steps, and their heartbeats.

"Not the perfect time, Mr."

He placed his chin on her shoulder, "There is no perfect time for romance. We have to make time for it." Annika came out of the hug and faced him.

"Shh. If I leave it up to you, you will start anywhere. Now leave me and help with the preparations. Rudra is talking to the cameraman, Om has been in call with the DJ, caterer, pandit, and a few others since the morning, and your second wife, scratch that, your first wife is looking at the decorations. You are just standing and not helping," Annika rambled on.

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