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𝗗𝗶𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗹𝗼 𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵-𝗨𝗽

Booping them:
— You two both sat on
his king (literally) sized
bed, cuddling. You played
with his hair as he slowly
fell asleep. You gave him
gentle, light kisses on the
forehead and booped his
nose. You heard his little
giggle, which startled you
considering you thought
he was asleep.

Animal Filters:
— You aimlessly scrolled
through Devilsnap, watching
other demons and transfer
students stories. On Solomon's
story, you saw that they had
added two new filters. Being
curious, you went onto the
actual making a photo part
and tested it out. 'It actually
looked pretty cute. But it'll
definetely look better on Dia..'
You thought and ran up to his
workplace. "Oh hello love,
give me a moment, I still have
a few more pages to do-" He was
cut off by a 'snap' sound.

What if you got sick-
— Being the little sweetheart
he is, he took two days off to
take care of you. He got you
chocolates, tea, coffee, and
basically anything you
wanted. He also gave you
medicine when you required
it. He sometimes gave you
forehead kisses to check your

He walks in on you weeping;
— He was wondering where you
had gone when you didn't show
up to your date you had been so
excited for. He rescheduled the
reservation and went back to the
castle where he found you crying
in the spare/guest room. He was a
but dramatic but he immediately
came to your side to comfort you.

What if you wore their clothes:
— You were waiting in Diavolo's room.
For what? For him to finish his meeting
that was at 12 AM sharp. You started to
get tired of both, waiting and sleepyness,
and figured that he wasn't gonna finish
anytime soon. You pulled the comforter
over you and still couldn't fall asleep.
You decided to get up and raid Diavolo's
closet. Why? You missed him. So with that,
you opened his closet and found multiples
of the same clothing. There were multiple
ties, suits, uniforms, bathing suits even. You
looked up and found his homely like clothing.
So instead of the tight suits you had originally
decided on getting, you took the sweater
instead. Putting the sweater on, you went back
to bed, now being able to sleep peacefully. After
a few 30 minutes, Diavolo had come back from
his short, but yet what felt like an eternity,
meeting. He wanted to change before joining
you to sleep as well but noticed his sweater
had disappeared. He looked over at you and
saw that you were wearing it. When I say he
had the cutest expression on his face, he did.
His heart practically melted from cuteness and

Who would be your best friend:
— Barbatos or Luke.

Couple Photo:

Couple Photo:

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I couldn't choose one-

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I couldn't choose one-

Contact Names:

— Yours: 👉 Y/N 👈
— His: 👉 Dia 👈

Your Guys' Couple Songs:
— Rather Be - Clean Bandit or
One Thing - One Direction

Big Spoon + Little Spoon:
— I feel like Diavolo would
switch between big spoon
and little spoon. On bad days
or when he's tired, he prefers
to be held in your hands. But
on normal days, i'd say he's
big spoon.

Where you go on a date:

Basically, a fancy restraunt

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Basically, a fancy restraunt.

What you two do for entertainment:
— Whenever Diavolo is free, you
two like cuddling in his bed while
watching movies or TV shows. He
also likes showing you around
Devildom and you show him around
the human realm whenever he visits.

If you got bullied:
— I feel like no one would bully
you, your guys' relationship
would be public, cause Dia is
proud to be dating you, and
no one would dare defy their
lord. If they do, they would
suffer serious consequences.
Sometimes by Diavolo's hands,
most of the time by Barbatos.

What if you got in a fight:
— I just can't- he's too baby-

What if you were to perish:
— He became more pressured and
moody. He was a mess of emotions
and even Barbatos couldn't help.
He only wanted one thing, to bring
you back. He couldn't even hold a
burial or a ceremony as it was to

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