𓆉 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗹𝗼

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sooo basically, you're not a human- you're barbatos' twin and barbie was out sick so you were his replacement. lowercase intended- yes you can kind of tell the future, yes you basically have all his abillities besides opening portals. you tell the future by seeing 'images'
btw this stuff aint canon so dont attack me if it isnt correct



"so what do i do?" i asked my brother, who currently laid in bed with a wet rag on his head. tea and soup were on the nightstand next to the bed.

"do what lord diavolo requests and assist with what he needs." he answered stuffily. i nodded softly and got up from my chair.

"take care barbatos, the maids will watch over you." i told him while checked his temperature.

"you too y/n, don't get killed." he said in a serious tone. i chuckled a bit. i walked over to the mirror and checked what i looked like. i wore a black blazer and a white lace corset with lace up shorts. my hair was down like always.

"i won't get killed, if i do, burn my body." i replied, half joking. i pushed the bedroom door open and left the house. i started walking in the direction of the castle. it was quite easy to see where it was as it was unnecessarily large. i inhaled the fresh air of devildom. believe it or not, devildom was a bit refreshing. the flowers were always in bloom, no matter the weather conditions. although it rained often, sometimes heavy pouring and sprinkling rain, it was nice. you'd also get those days where the rain was perfect. like it wasn't too heavy but it wasn't a sprinkle either. today was one of those days, the flowers were in full bloom and some were starting to grow as well. the sky had begun to get brighter, meaning it was now morning time. by the time i knew it, i was already at the castle. i knocked once on the door before getting stopped by a magical barrier. i panicked for a bit before someone had opened the door which released the barrier's 'grip' on me. the person had tan skin and brown-red fluffy hair. they smiled warmly at me.

"ah hello! you must be y/n? barbatos' twin?" they asked. i nodded and smiled as well.

"yes, i believe you are lord diavolo?" i questioned in a happier tone.

"mhm! but please, skip the formalities. come in!" he said, holding the door open for me. i had a faint blush on my cheeks and walked in. "so y/n, i have few questions before we begin our day." he informed. i looked at him.

"go ahead," i replied.

"what's barbatos like as home? is he as expressionless as he is at work? what's it like having him as your brother?" he questioned. we both walked to the kitchen.

"ah well, barbatos is.. unique to say the least. at home, he's still very aware of his surroundings. he does most of the chores as i have my own job as well. he does soften up around me. as a brother, he gives great advice and helpful tips." i answered while making some tea for the both of us. he squinted and nodded.

"hm, well, i assume he told you my usual schedule?" he said as i poured the tea into two cups from the kettle.

"yes, he has. breakfast around this time, then we go to our first meeting. after that, we go to the school to overview students and pick up some paperwork. then we go back to the castle where you do the paperwork. i check in on you every 30 minutes or when you call for me. after two hours, we must attend another meeting with the demon brothers. again, we return to the castle where i serve you lunch. after lunch, you attend a meeting about the exchange program." i told him, grabbing a plate, cutlery, and a pan to cook pancakes and eggs. he let out a hum of acknowledgement. we both stayed in a comfortable silence as i cooked pancakes and eggs. i smiled softly at myself, proud of making food. i took the plate and set it in front of him. he looked up from what he was doing and smiled warmly at me. i could feel a smile creep its way onto my lips and a blush appear on my cheek. i walked out the kitchen to let diavolo eat in peace but was stopped when he said,

"stay, you aren't a bother."
i looked at him with a look that said 'are you sure?'. he nodded and i shyly walked over to the seat across from his. he smiled again softly before continuing to eat his food.

'today's gonna be a long day.. but i look foward to it.' i thought to myself cheerfully.

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