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───── ❝ 𝙍𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙙. ❞ ─────

Uhh- idk if this counts as a scenario- but its kinda like if another exchange student came and the brothers started hanging out with them more and yeah- lmk if this doesn't make sense 😔 also, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment! I dont bite 💅 if I ever do a catch up, I won't do this scenario as this was only for the brothers

Prompt: "Hey Y/N! Did you hear the news?? We're getting another exchange student!" The white haired demon blurted out. I turned my head towards him, "Huh? New exchange student?". "Yeah!" Mammon seemed excited.


Would start enjoying the new exchange student's company and starts forgetting about your relationship with him.

Starts defending every word they say.

- "Stop being so annoyed and envious Y/N. She's just more perfect."


Starts warming up to the student, eventually starts flirting with them.

He started thinking of you as a maid, asking you to get stuff for him and the new exchange student.

- "Oi Y/N, go get me and {insert a name here} a drink will ya?"


Plays more TSL with the student and actually goes out more

Completely forgets about you as if you were a game he had already finished

- "Come on {insert enemy name here} let's go play some TSL!"


Points out your insecurities

Starts favoring the new human over you

- "Why are your legs so fat?"


Basically Lucifer, he started enjoying the new students company

Read books to them and started getting sassy and moody with you

- "Quit being a bitch Y/N"


Even Beel ignored you

He feeds and stops eating for the exchange student like he did with you

- "{annoyed glare}"


Actually didnt replace you and found the new exchange human annoying

- "I'll always be with you Y/N, even if no one else is."

Ending prompt thing:

You angrily packed up your stuff. It was all a test, a test that they failed. You had asked Lord Diavolo to bring your sister in the program and see if the brothers would betray you. You felt absolutely heartbroken, you were the one who helped them become a family. You were the one who was with them during their darkest. Lucifer and the brothers, besides Belphie, walked into your room. They had heard rumors about you moving to Purgatory Hall. "Ay human. Where'd ya think your goin'?" Mammon's said. 

"Purgatory Hall, the rumors about me moving were true." You replied harshly. 

"And you think Lord Diavolo would allow this?" Lucifer scolded.

 "Yes. I already asked him, besides, he knew the plan." You said. 

"Plan?" He asked. 

"Yep. It was a test. To see if you would stay loyal and let yourselves be captivated by someone you don't even know." The brothers looked shocked. You finished packing and slammed your luggage. You turned around and looked at Lucifer. "Have fun with my sister. She isn't so envious because she's perfect." You shot at him. He was still shocked, like the rest. 

"Excuse me? Sister?!" Satan yelled. You flinched a little bit.

 "Yes. Sister. Idiots. I told you this was a test and you failed." You scoffed. You glared at Mammon. "Out of all things, you treat me like a maid?" You taunted. He looked guilt struck. Your gaze looked at Levi. "She knew about TSL because I told her." You said. You looked at Asmo. "She has a perfect body, unlike mine." You hissed. You coldly stared at Satan, tears falling like a waterfall. "She's not a bitch" You snapped at him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. You looked at Beel harshly and then looked away.

 "I can't believe you" A different voice said. You looked up at a red haired demon with tan skin. Diavolo. "Lucifer, you told me once that your relationship with Y/N was more important than anything and anyone. Now where did that go when you replace them?" Diavolo asked violently. "Just leave it Diavolo. There's nothing they can do to fix it. Only Belphie and others truly care." You muttered. Diavolo glared at the brothers. "Let's go, take me to Purgatory Hall." You said. You grabbed your luggage and shoved the brothers out of the way. The door slammed, which echoed in the now quiet halls.


WOO- 678 WORDS- anyway I wanted to write angst So here ya go

The ending is inspired by a fanfic I read, credits to them for inspiring me

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