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───── ❝ 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙢 ❞ ─────

Like always, the black haired demon was sitting at his desk, working. A bunch of paper laid on his desk, maybe stacks of 100-70. You came in to check on him and to do something. You also came in with his lunch, his favorite food and a drink. "Lucifer! Good afternoon! I have your lunch" you said cheerfully while smiling in attempt to cheer him up. He looked up from the paperwork and saw you. "Oh- Good afterrnon Y/N" he sounded stressed. You placed the food on his desk and then looked at him. He stared back. "...". You suddenly broke the gaze and walked to his side. "Hey Lucifer, can you look at me?" You asked. "Hm, sure, what is this for?" He asked while turning to you. You then booped his nose, once again trying to cheer him up. He just looked shocked and blushed a little. "I-" was the only thing he managed to say. You started giggling at his reaction.

Mammon was in his room practicing gambling 'tactics'. He was ALWAYS trying to find ways to make money, even if it means selling absolutely a n y t h i n g. But you still loved him. You saw something in him that no one else did. You went to the kitchen and made him some food. A basic sandwich was all you were able to make because nearly all the ingredients were gone. You then went to his room to give it to him. "MaaammoOoOn?" you said, imitating Lucifer. He shot up his head and looked towards the door, nervous asf. You couldn't help but laugh when he realized it was you. "H-Hey! Don't go off imitating that jerk! You nearly gave me a damn heart attack!" The white haired demon said. "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked. "Im here to bring you your lunch- duh- why else would i be holding a plate?" You said, walking towards him to hand him his food. "Right-" he took the food and started eating on his couch. You sat next to him. After a few minutes, "Mammon? Can you look at me?" You asked him, you tried to sound as innocent as possible. He looked over at you, "Wh-" you booped his nose before he could continue his sentence. He looked speechless and broken. "Oh god- I mean not god-" You said

As usual, Satan was in his book cluttered room, reading in his oversized chair. He reading fantasy while you sat on his bed also reading, which you weren't able to do often due to your many tasks and being assigned more so it felt nice to just relax. You were reading a book called, How to Seduce a Demon, you were curious so you checked out the book. You just started the book so were at the 5th page. 45 pages later you got bored and closed the book just to look at Satan. The more you looked at him, the more you wanted to cuddle in his arms. He caught you staring and laughed, and blushed. "Why are you staring at me like that? Do you want cuddles?" Satan asked, he sounded adorable. You looked at him and blushed even more, "Mhm.." you replied. He smiled warmly and said "Well, don't be shy, come here". You got up from his small bed and walked into his lap. He smiled and blushed. You looked up at him and booped his nose. He just stared at you while blushing then tried going back to reading his book.

Quick A/N before we continue!
Y/N: Your name
Y/S: Your surname
Y/M: Your Middle Name
Y/HC: Your hair color
Y/EC: Your eye color
Y/L: Your likings
Y/D: Your dislikes
Y/P: Your personality
Y/A: Your age
Thats probably it but please leave some suggestions- i also have essays due in like- 2 days so-

As always, Asmo was out shopping for lotion and other stuff for his skin. You were just in your room waiting for him to come back from shopping, which normally wasn't for another hour, but this time he only took 25 minutes. He texted you that he coming back to the house so you were pretty happy. He only took about 9 minutes to get back but it felt like 90000 years. He silently walked in to your room and said "I'm home Lucy~" (reference from my fav show). You eyes instantly shot towards the door, "Welcome home dear". You smiled and got off your bed to hug him, he hugged back and like the mf pervert he is, he slapped your ass. "Hey!-" you said, flustered as all devildom. He laughed and pat your head. You looked at him and booped his nose. He started laughing again and said, "If you really wanna seduce me, your gonna have to try harder than that~". You looked at him slapped him. "Smh." you said

As always, Levi was in his bathtub, gaming. You were also gaming with him cause you had nothing else to do and it had been a while since you two have been together alone. "Levi?" you said, "What would you do if i died?". He looked at you, very shook. "... I-.. Why would you ask that?" He said nervously and kinda upset. "I can't loose another person in my life who i've loved.. and you're a descendant of Lillith..". You looked at him and smiled softly, also feeling a bit of sadness, "No reason, I just wanted to ask. And honestly, i'll be up in the celestial world or down here in devildom if i die, you can always visit". ".. But it won't be the same..". You patted his head and booped his nose. "H-Hey!"

Beel, being the precious baby he is, was laying on your lap. You both were watching a movie, a very wholesome one. You looked down at his smiling face as he watched the movie and your heart melted at the adorable sight. He looked up at you, "Why are you staring at me like that?-". You kept thinking about that precious smile until Beel shook you to make sure you were okay. "Wha-". "You zoned out" the orange haired demon said. "Oh- Oops-" you said nervously. You looked at his face again and an idea popped into your mind. You booped his nose and his reaction was absolutely adorable. He just smiled and blushed warmly. It wasn't over the top but the smile he had made you light up with so much joy.

As always, Belphie was asleep next to you. He wanted you to sing to him while he slept and you couldn't say no. You were pretty insecure about your singing voice but Belphie seemed to like it. You sang the intro of Maid Sama, I guess Levi has been rubbing off on you- 'Oppa, Can you keep my secret?~" (I DONT REMEMBER THE LYRICS DONT ATTACK ME-). While singing, you found that this was the perfect opportunity to get back at him for no reason- You kept singing while scheming of what to do. You then thought, 'Hey- Why not boop his nose!'. You then took it upon yourself to do the honors. Belphie just smiled and blushed while sleeping. "Mmnhh, i love you Y/N.." He mumbled.


im lowkey disappointed in myself for not finishing this chapter sooner- but im back- should i add the side characters?? Maybe i'll give them their own shrine- i mean chapters- also im on the web bc my dumbass got grounded from my Ipad (on my sisters phone) if anyone knows how to add parts lmk pls 😭

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