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───── ❝ 𝘼𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙡 𝙁𝙞𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨. ❞ ─────

Requested by:


I thought this request was absolutely adorable so I had to do it! If you have any suggestions, feel free to dm me on discord or comment! (Discord name and tag: arinaii.#0897, discord server: https://discord.gg/5kDTncj)

H/C: Hair Color

S/C: Skin Color


After working for absolute hours, Lucifer's body has had enough and fell asleep. You walked into his room to check on him and to bring him his snack when you saw him asleep on his desk. There was still mounds of paperwork on his desk, waiting to be filled out. You smiled softly, happy that he finally gave himself a break. You sat next to his desk, while eating half of his lunch. I mean.. the dude was asleep so like he wasn't gonna eat it anytime soon. You kinda ate half his lunch- You decided to leave the rest for him and pulled out your D.D.D to scroll through social media. Eventually you started to play around with Devilsnap. (Devilsnap is snapchat in devildom-). You put on random filters but what you didn't know was that every time you changed the filter, it would snap a photo. Your phone started filling up with dorky pictures of you. While changing to the Cerberus filter, you had accidentally flipped the camera over to Lucifer. It took a picture of him with the filter on and you started snorting. You fell off your seat from trying to contain your laughter and had woken up Lucifer with the thump noise. Lucifer woke up to the sight of you dying because a single selfie. Lucifer was like, 'wtf is this?- lets just go back to sleep' and rested his head back down on his desk.


The white haired demon sat on his cluttered couch. It had shirts and wrappers all over the place. You tried to get him to cuddle you but Mammon being the dense idiot (but lovable) he is, didn't notice. You took your D.D.D out of your pocket and started fidgeting with it. You opened DevilSnap. The camera had been turned around, which was facing towards Mammon. You snorted as the filter of a rabbit appeared on Mammon's face. Mammon's bright yellow eyes looked up and peered at you. He was defiantly confused on why you were laughing. "Ey human, what's so funny?" He said. "Pfft- Heheh.. ehehe.. N-Nothing Mammon" you choked out while trying to contain your laughter. You fell of the couch from laughing so hard. Luckily, you had clicked 'Take a Picture' before you fell, which saved the picture of Mammon with a bunny filter on.


The demon sat on his bean bag pillow thing while gaming, anime intros playing in the background. You sat next to him, fiddling with your D.D.D. You glanced up from the phone to watch Levi play. An amazing idea had suddenly popped into your head. 'What if I take a picture of him?!" You thought in your mind. You instantly went onto Devilsnap for filters. You scrolled through the filters until you found a Ruri-Chan filter. "Yes! Finally! Level 10002398!!" Levi said with excitement. 'WHAT THE FU- LEVEL 10002398?!' You mentally screamed. Your jaw literally dropped. "Levi- im- WTF LEVEL 10002398?!" You yelled out of shock. He looked at you and nodded, "Yeah what's you expect?". Screw it, you took your phone and pulled it up to his face and snapped a photo of confused but shocked face with the Ruri-Chan filter. You snorted so much when you saw the picture.


The demon sat by his bed, painting his nails. You were on your phone, eventually glancing at him every now and then. Asmo started talking about how beautiful he was and how close you are to his beauty. He said it was a blessing to be almost as beautiful as him. You scoffed, "Oh please Asmo, stop sweet talking me." "Sweet talking? Me? Never~!" He said back. You playfully rolled your eyes and went back to scrolling through social media. You went on DevilSnap by accident and thought, "Hey.. why not make a use outta this app." "Hey Asmo" I called out. He then looked at me with a happy smile. I glanced back with a smile, "Can I take a picture of you?" He smiled so much istg- "Of course love!! What position do you want me in? Should I be cute or sexy?" He said, sounding excited as hell. "Just-", you paused, "Just do a normal selfie pose". He then did a pose. You pointed the camera at him with the bunny filter on. Snap. You showed Asmo the photo. "Ooh! I look adorable! Could you send me the photo?" Asmo shouted excitedly.


A blonde, pale demon sat in his purple armchair. A h/c, s/c human sat in his lap. You were watching DevilTube as quietly as possible. You didn't want to disturb the peaceful looking demon with chaotic videos. You got bored so you went to DevilSnap and pointed the camera at Satan. His emerald eyes stared at yours in confusion. (BYE THAT LOOKS HOT WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT). You snapped a photo of him and added a filter. Now he looked like a cat, a really cute one. You giggled softly at the sight of the picture, which added more confusion for Satan.





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