☂︎︎ 𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙧

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───── ❝ 𝙍𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙨. ❞ ─────

TW: Mentions of panic attacks

Belphegor x Depressed!Demon!Reader

I sighed heavily, sitting in the rain, letting myself be drenched in the cold tears of the sky. I rest my head back, catching my breath. "Panic attacks are the worst.." I mumbled out which was barely audible due to the heavy rain. Hot, fresh tears were on my face. Claw marks of my own fingernails rested on my arms. After catching my breathe, I sat up correctly, looking at the view of the underworld, which I call my home. I crawled over to the edge of the cliff, letting my feet dangle. I was soaked in rain and my own tears. "Where's your best friend when you need them?" I huffed out. Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind me. I instantly looked behind me, eyeing for what caused the footsteps. A silouhette of a demon appeared and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get nervous. The black shadow unblurred revealing Belphegor. I couldn't help myself from smiling. He looked out of breath. Well, the spot I was in was particularly difficult to get to. "Hello Belphie!" I said, trying not to make it obvious I was crying.

"You were always bad at hiding your emotions, Y/N." He simply stated. Can't say it wasn't true.

I scratched the back of my neck, "Heh, you were always good at detecting them." I replied. We both chuckled for a bit then a comfortable silence filled the air. The only noise was the rain dripping. He did a little signal that he wanted to hug, so I cuddled into his arms.


I woke up on a grassy hillside, the 'sunlight' was brighter than usual hinting that it was near morning/afternoon. I sat up on my elbow and rubbed my eye using my free hand. I felt something tug at my waist. I looked down and.. Belphie? He was cuddling me- A nice red color creeped its way onto my cheeks. I laid back down, not wanting to disturb him.


I awoke to someone shaking me and softly calling my name. I muttered out a small 'what'. I heard Belphie chuckle a bit. "Wake up silly. It's the afternoon, I have to go soon, my brothers are probably wondering where I went." He spoke out, sounding quite sad at the end. It was obvious I was upset. Belphie was my only friend from when I've been in Devildom. I muttered something under my breath.

"Can you come back tomorrow..?" I asked him. Most likely not but, I hate to admit this, I like him. He nodded yes. I zoned out for a bit, thinking of what his brothers looked like. He talked about often, I wanted to meet them.

"Y/N??" Belphegor said trying to get my attention. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah?" I quickly said. He laughed again, probably at my stupidity.

"You zoned out, what were you thinking about?" He asked, chuckling a bit.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanna meet your brothers. You talk about them often and I guess I got curious." I replied to his question.

"Hm, you can meet them today if you want. I'm sure they won't mind." He said. My eyes widen.

"Really?!" I said, kind of shouting. I sounded like a little kid who's mom said they could let them buy a toy. He nodded his head again, yawning a bit after.

"Yeah, lets go now." He told me, getting up as he spoke. I got up as well. We headed down the hillside where the cliff sat.


I held Belphie's hand without noticing. He went inside, he gave me permission to enter his house which he shared with 6 older brothers. A black haired demon with red eyes stood waiting for him. He looked quite uh.. strict? "Where have you been?" The demon asked stiffly. I just looked at him. I had the talent of reading anyone's emotion. He glared back at me. I felt a weight lean on me and I looked to the side. He fell asleep on me. I small blush appeared on my cheeks. "Ah, you must be the infamous Y/N." He said to me after a weird silence. I squinted at him.

"Uh yes.. How do you know my name?" I asked, sounding a bit scared. Did he stalk me or something?

"Belphegor has talked about you quite often. He described you perfectly. Nice y/hl (your hair length) and smooth y/hc (your hair color)." He responded. Another red blush made its way onto my face.

"He talks about me?" I silently asked, maybe he liked me too? Probably not but.. what if he does?

~ (timeskip to tomorrow when you meet up with Belphie again.)

I sat under the tree, its glistening leaves shielding me from the rain, waiting for Belphie. I had headphones on, listening to y/fs (your favorite song). I closed my eyes for a second, relaxing to the beat of the song. When I opened my eyes, Belphie was there. I jumped back in shock while balling my hands into fists.

"Woah!- Holy shit, Belphie don't scare me like that." I laughed. He smiled.

"I saw an opportunity, so I took it." He said while sitting down next to me. We chatted for a bit, mainly about random things. You guys gossipped about the latest scandals in Devildom. Believe or not, he actually knows a lot of secrets. After a while, a comfortable silence filled the air. I was now laying down next to Belphie who was playing with my hair. I turned my head over to look at him. Examining his features, which I found quite beautiful. I couldn't resist the instant urge to kiss him, and so, I did. He kissed back, we fell into a passionate, deep kiss.


Part 2?

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