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───── ❝ 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜. ❞ ─────

A/N: Shnsksnsksnsndndndndndndndndnddnndndndndn

Its 5am 😌✨

It was a Sunday morning, your eyes had suddenly opened. (Is it just me or does my body do that too?-). You rolled over to face the alarm clock and check the time. "5:37 AM" The alarm clock read. 'Holy shit!-' you thought. You had never, not once in history, ever woken up early. You turned around to see a sleeping Lucifer. You were even awake before Lucifer. You silently tried to slip out of bed and dress up. You tip toed your way to Lucifer's closet. Once you had opened it, it was full of dry cleaned RAD uniforms and you were just like: What the actual fuck. You decided to wear his RAD uniform jacket. It looked comfortable and certainly was comfortable. The jacket was VERY oversized for you, it looked like an oversized jacket with fancy decors on it. You turned around to get some socks because your feet were cold and was greeted with Lucifer. He had woken up a bit after you did and saw you rummaging through his closet. He got curious to as what you were doing and stood up made his way behind you like the sneaky bitch he is. Your face got hotter as you and Lucifer stared at each other. "Uh- Hi?-" You said, almost not even audible from embarrassment. He kept staring at you, defiantly did not expect you to wear his clothing, let alone his uniform. He found it very adorable and started thinking of other things you wore. And things he wanted to see you in 😌😏

Mammon got in trouble with the damn witches again and got his jacket cursed. You and Satan had to do research on how to undo the curse. Turns out, it was hella simple. "Y/N! I found the cure!" Satan blurted out. "YOU ARE A SAVIOR SATAN." You yelled as you ran towards him to see the cure. "It says here, to undo the spell, the significant other of the person who has been cursed must laundry and wear the jacket." Satan quoted. "That's simple- Way too simple." You said suspiciously. "Unless you want to make Mammon pissed, I suggest you just do it." Satan replied. You nod your head in agreement then start running towards Lucifer's room. Lucifer had confiscated the jacket until we found a way to revoke the curse. "Lucifer! Me and Satan found a cure for the curse!" You shouted while busting into his room. He looked up at you from his room. "What? What is it?" He firmly asked. "It's kind of suspicious but all we have to do is laundry the cursed item and I have to wear it." You replied. "Hm.. That's weirdly easy." He stated. Wow. Thanks captain obvious. "Where's the nearest dry cleaning company?" You asked. "Basement." He said. You ran down to the basement awkwardly and was greeted with Cerberus and a laundry stuff behind. He seemed approachable, so you walked towards him. Cerberus gave you a slobbery lick and you giggled and starting petting him. The giant dog let you pass and head towards the laundry machine. So you threw Mammon's jacket in the dryer. [Timeskip to when it finished] You were playing with Cerberus when the alarm thing for the dryer dinged. You took it out of the dryer and put it on. It was surprisingly warm and you didn't wanna take it off so you went upstairs and nearly everywhere with it on. Until Mammon came in your room. "Y/N damn it! Give me my jacket back!" The tsundere shouted. He saw how cute you looked in his jacket and walked out with bad thoughts.

Mr. Gamer boy was taking a shower and you were playing his game for him. Turns out, you were a natural. The event had finished and Levi still wasn't done showering. You looked around and saw his headphones and jacket. You snatched them instantly with an idea. You put the headphones around your h/l hair and the jacket on top of your shirt. You then got the ruri-chan body pillow you bought him and snuggled with it. "I'm Leviathan and im obsessed with my queen ruri chan!" You imitated in your best Levi voice. You kept imitating Levi, but what you didn't know was that he and the brothers were watching you. Levi was embarrassed, Satan and Lucifer looked they wanted to die, Asmo was being Asmo, Beel and Belphie just stood there like what the hell is bitch doing. Mammon was shopping <3. You turned around to see Levi's red tinted face, Satan and Lucifer dying even more inside, and you were ready to die. "O-oh..- Hey, when did you guys get here..?" You chuckled out nervously. "Y/N get out of my clothes!!" He blurted out. You giggled softly, making Levi even more of a blushing mess.

A blonde demon was sitting in his matching cat pajamas you had bought him. You were sitting next to him, also in the pajamas. You looked around for his closet because most of his room was covered in books and you wondered where he stores his clothes. You stared at Satan for a second. "Hey Satan?" You spoke. The demon glared at you, "Yes?" He replied. "Where's your closet?" You asked. "Over there." He pointed to under his bed, it had drawers underneath. "Oh- I thought it would be behind a secret door or something" You commented. Satan chuckled at bit at that comment. He then got up and walked towards his bathroom. You smirked, now that you knew where Satan kept his clothes, you had a plan. You didn't start until you knew the bathroom door was closed. With a huge grin, you slyly opened the drawers. Surprise surprise he had the cat merch you bought him. You also saw his jacket that he always wore when he's with you. You put on his jacket on top of your pjs and it was warm. "Damn, what's this stuff made out of? Its so warm.." You muttered out. "Devildom specials." Satan said. Your head shot towards where the voice came from. "Oh- Can I have one? 🥺" You asked. He smiled softly with a soft blush to go with. "Sure." He smiled.

'prEttY pReTtY pRinCeSs' sorry anyway-
Asmo was braiding your h/c hair while you painted his nails. You two gossiped about stuff. You started talking about him. Then he started talking about you. "Awh Y/N you're so adorable when you fantasize about me!" Asmo said. "I wasn't fantasizing!" You blurted with a light shade of pink on your cheeks. "Mhm. What ever you say love!" He replied.
You two just kept talking about the recent drama and your opinions on it until Asmo's nails dried and he finished your braids. "I'm gonna go take a shower now my dear, feel free to join!" He shouted. Your cheeks became a pinkish red color. You saw his closet and decided to raid it. You found his RAD uniform and wanted to wear it. So you took the jacket and slipped it on. You actually looked good in it. You then made your hair look like Asmo without ruining the braids he did. Once you looked in the mirror, you giggled a bit at the sight. You heard the shower turn off and got nervous. Asmo came out with a towel wrapped around his body. "Ooh! Y/N you should've just said so if you wanted to get in my clothes!" He said. You threw a pillow at his wet face.

The precious demon never took off his jacket so you had to devise a plan. His jacket looked really comfortable and you wanted it. "He loves food, he also loves you. Maybe just ask? No too simple.. Oh! Lets prepare him a dinner and-" You started thinking. It was paused when an orange haired demon walked in. You looked up at the doorframe. Beel was smiling with another demon slumping on his shoulder, Belghegor. You giggled at the sight. He walked over to you and sat in front of you. "Yes honey?" You asked. "I want food sugar.. can you make your cupcakes again!?" He questioned excitedly. You smiled softly, "Of course." You replied. He cheered and instantly went to the kitchen with you following behind him. "I can finally steal his jacket if this goes to plan.." You thought. You got out the ingredients you needed and started making your famous cupcakes that the brothers loved, especially Beel. He watched in amazement. [timeskip~]
Ding! You got from your seat with Beel and took the cupcakes out of the oven. Beel tried getting one but you stopped him. "Beel! The cupcakes are still hot! and we need to decorate them." You said. Beel looked upset now but you gave him a small one. His face lit up the whole room. He ate the whole cupcake in one bite. "Wanna help me make the frosting?" You asked him. He nodded yes. So you two got baking, flour was everywhere, Beel accidentally ate the flour and started choking. "Holy shit Beel! I told you not to eat the flour! Uh- Get water!" You shouted, panicking. You went to the sink with a cup of water and gave it to him. He drank it, along with the cup. "Thanks Y/N-" He said. You kissed him on the nose. "It's fine." You said as you looked at his flour covered jacket. "Can I laundry your jacket?" You asked. "Mhm." He replied. You smiled and took the jacket. "Help yourself to the cupcakes!" You told him and he instantly ran towards the cupcake tray. He took off his jacket and put it on the chair for you to grab. You smirked and took the jacket. You cleaned off the flour and slipped the jacket on. Manz jacket was like 100x your size so it dangled near your knees and the sleeves covered your arms also dangling off. Beel turned around with cupcakes in his arms. He became a blushing mess whenhe saw you playing around his jacket. "Cute.." He mumbled.

i have no idea what to write for him- im sorry 😭 im disappointed in me too

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