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"A man tried to go on her."

"What?!" Kevin and Juyeon say in unison.

Nari clears her throat. "I need to use the bathroom."

The three boys go into the living room, sitting down. "Now tell us what happened," Kevin says.

"You guys texted the groupchat, saying how Nari was missing," Changmin starts.


"So I went out to try and find her, and I saw a man on top of someone and they seemed to be struggling..."

"Why would someone do that?" Juyeon questions.

Changmin shrugs. "He smelled like alcohol, so he was most likely drunk."

"Thank goodness you got their in time," Kevin says. "I would not know what to do if we that happened to her..."

A loud thud echos through the hallway, making the three boys snap their head to the direction of the sound. 

The three quickly head to Nari's room, but before they can get to her door, it slams open.

"Ohmygod, you scared me," Kevin puts his hand to his chest. "Did you fall or something?"

"No, I just dropped some books, my apologies," Nari smiles at the boys. "I'm going to bake cake now."

Juyeon and Changmin look at the girl slightly dumbfounded. How can she be so relaxed after what happened to her?

Kevin notices the two's confused expression. "It's how she copes," Kevin says. "She bakes when she's stressed or uhm... troubled."

"Is that healthy?" Changmin questions. Kevin shrugs.

"As long as she's not bottling it up," Kevin looks at the two. "I wouldn't want her to go through internal battles with herself, especially now."


"AH-" Nari shrieks. "Jaehyuns, noo!" She shoves him away from her cake.

"Whyy," the boy whines, grabbing onto her arm like a toddler. "It looks very delicious right now."

"Thank you—" she pushes him farther from the cake, "—but it's not done yet."


Nari faces Hyunjae, tip toeing now she can get closer to his face. She stares intensely into his eyes.

Hyunjae gulps at the closeness... and Nari's sudden boldness. He opens his mouth to say something, but feels something cold on his face.

Nari giggles. She goes back to decorating her cake. "There's cake scraps over there," she points at the other side of the small kitchen. "Eat that."

Hyunjae frowns, using his finger to take the icing off his cheek. He slowly walks up to Nari.

"Nari." The looks over to Hyunjae, only to be met with icing on her face. Hyunjae quickly runs away, laughing.

"Lee Jaehyunn!" Nari scoops some icing out of the bowl next to her, chasing him around her apartment.

Her roommates went out, either to meet up with friends or to do errands. Nari had nothing else to, so did Hyunjae.

He decided to accompany and help her so things wouldn't be so boring. Though it felt more like watching over him than him helping her.

"Gosh, what did you eat before you came here," Nari huffs, looking at the boy on the other side of the couch. He just smiles at her, making her sigh once again.

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