13 💫

313 13 3

The sound of a car screeching makes Nari gasps. Looking to her side, she sees a car a few feet away from her.

The driver rolls down the window, looking at her.

"Gosh," they say. "At least stay on the side walk."


"I knew you would be there," Changmin says. "Have you eaten yet?"

Nari softly gasps. "Now that I think of it, I haven't eaten since 11."

Changmin gasps as well. "That's not good," he says. He shifts his gaze from the road to her when they reach a stop light. "My treat."

Changmin giggles after putting some whipped cream on the girl's nose.

"Ji Changminn," Nari whines. "You're wasting all your cream on me."

He chokes on his crepe. Looking at her with wide eyes. "Why word it like that?" 

She looks back at him confused. "What?"

"That sounded... not innocent," he says.

"That's just you," Nari takes a bite from her crepe. "Pervert."

Changmin chokes once again, while Nari laughs at him.

"How was the visit?" Changmin asks, breaking the silence. Nari continues eating her treat as if he didn't just say something.

He stares at her, hoping that his gaze would make her pay attention to him.

"Ayyo—" she pulls him closer to her, making him widen his eyes. A bike zooms past them, ringing their small bell. "—Watch out."

"Don't want my bae to get hurt," she says, attempting to speak in a deep voice. She looks at him, winking then blowing a kiss.

Changmin looks at her both confused and amused. "What?"

"Oh, my visit was good," she continues, as if nothing happened. "How was your day?"

Changmin keeps his eyes on the girl. Entertained by her new behavior.

"Uhm... it was good," he looks away from her. "Are you feeling okay?" Changmin looks at the girl once again. Finding himself not being able to get his eyes off her.

"Mhm," Nari replies. "I'm doing very well, actually." She takes the last bite of her crepe before looking at the boy.

"How about you?" she stops walking, making Changmin stop as well. "You haven't been able to get your eyes off me since we ate."

Changmin widens his eyes, looking away. Nari laughs at him, bringing her hand to his cheek in order to poke the dimple that has appeared.

"I'm joking," she pinches his cheek. Changmin grabs her hand, looking straight into her eyes.

He leans in, whispering something in her ear.

This time, it was Nari's turn to be all flustered. She looks at him, not knowing what to say.

Changmin laughs. He pinches her cheek with his other hand, and continues walking, not letting go of Nari's hand.


Nari lays on her bed, staring at the stars on her ceiling.

She brings her hand to in front of her, recalling how Changmin never let go of her hand all day.

Sighing, she covers her eyes with her forearm.

We're just friends.
He's too good for you anyway


Someone bursts through her door. "We ordered our favorite~"

She looks at the person, seeing Kevin wiggling his eyebrows at her. "I'll be there." She gives him a small smile.

"Okay, just hurry," he stops before running away. "Oh, and the children are here."

Nari shoves the chicken in Haknyeon's mouth to stop him from nagging her for more food.

She looks at him, pressing her lips together and giving him a thumbs up, which he returns.

"You feed him chicken, but not me?" Eric pouts at the older.

"Here," she brings some chicken closer to his face. "Jk." She grins, quickly taking the food away and putting it in her mouth.

The younger frowns at her, taking his own piece of chicken. Juyeon watches the three, surprised at how close the they are despite only meeting each other for not even 5 times. 

"IT'S OPEN!" Kevin yells at the door, hearing the knocks coming from it.

"Your guys' favorite is here!" Chanhee exclaims, coming into the living room with his arms wide open.

He frowns at the silence. Everyone else laughs at him, then greeting him as he enters further into the apartment.

"Where's Changmin?" Juyeon asks, seeing that he was the only one who came in.

"Oh," he looks at his phone then back up at the group. "He said that Lana needed him for something, so he decided to help her."

"Wow, ditching us for that girl already," Sunwoo says, rolling his eyes. Kevin nudges him.

"Don't say that," Kevin scolds the younger.
"You haven't even met the girl," Chanhee adds.

Sunwoo looks at them blankly. "I don't need to meet her to see if I like her or not." Nari scoffs out a laugh, quickly covering it with a cough.

"Who made this cheesecake?" Juyeon asks, coming out of the kitchen with a container in hand.

Kevin gasps. "Put that back, it hasn't been 3 hours yet!" He gets up, pushing Juyeon back into the kitchen.


Nari looks to her side, seeing that she got a text from someone.

*unknown has sent you a message*
*unknown has sent you a voice mail*

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