16 💫

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She clutches her journal in horror.

Lana was here

"What the heck," she whispers. "Does this mean..."

She read it. She read it all...

Nari's eyes slowly widen. This was the journal she used to express herself. She wrote her feelings, thoughts, emotions, everything in it. It showed how vulnerable she can be.

And Lana read it all.

Nari's breathing pattern starts to become irregular. Her vision becoming slightly blurry. Frustration fills her. Questions flood her head.

How did she find this? Why was she in here?
Who let her in here?

Nari's heart drops at the thought of her roommates not keeping Lana from entering her room.

Why would they let her in here?

A vibration breaks her train of thought. She looks over to her phone, wiping the few tears on her face before going over to pick it up.


"Nari..." the voice weakly calls out.

"Goeun?" she says, her voice laced with concern. "Are you okay? what happened? why are you crying?"

"Come to our place please," she stutters out, sniffling.

Hearing her friend cry made her heart shatter. Quickly getting up and grabbing her stuff, she dashes out her room.

"Woah—" Kevin holds Nari's shoulders, preventing the two of them from crashing into one another. "—Why are you—"

"Sorry—" she looks at him, grabbing his shoulders as well. "—See you later."

"Goeun..." she sees her friend sat down at a bench. She runs towards her, immediately cupping her face.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Nari worriedly asks. 

Goeun hugs her. "He, oh my god, how can someone," she stutters out, not being able to form the right words.

"Who?" Nari softly asks, furrowing her eyebrows. After a few seconds of Goeun not replying, she gasps, connecting the few dots. "Ohmygod, Hyunsik?!"

Goeun nods. Nari clicks her tongue.

Damn that boy. Im Hyunsik. Making my friend cry again.

"What'd he do?"

The latter gives hands her her phone, telling her to check his message. 

Nari gasps, almost dropping the phone.

"What the actual fuck."

He sent a video consisting of him having intercourse with, possibly, his current girlfriend while saying some awfully rude things.

"You were never this good in bed," "She makes me feel something I never felt for you," "She's way better than you ever were," and more.

"How can someone do this..." Nari says, her eyes widening again as she sees the stuff sent underneath.

Voice messages, texts, pictures, all comparing Goeun to that girl and bringing her down.

Nari stares at the screen. Simply in shock at the individual's doings and not knowing what to say. She lets out a deep breathe.

Engulfing Goeun in a hug. Keeping her in her embrace for as long as she needs.

"Don't listen to that," she finally says. "The fact he even sent you that shows how you still live in his head rent free."

Goeun lets out a small laugh, making Nari smile.


"Nari, hi," Juyeon says, looking at the girl who just came in the house.

"Hey," she smiles back. "Where you going?" She looks at the latter who was in the middle of putting on his shoe before she came in.

"Oh uh..." he rubs the back of his neck, looking down. "Iwasgonnagolookforyou..."

Nari tilts her head, looking at him in confusion. "Huh?"

Clearing his throat, he takes of his shoes. Grabbing Nari's hand and dragging her to the couch.

"Nothing," he replies, not looking at the girl. "Why were you out so late?"

"Oh, I—"

"Juyeon, where's Na—" Kevin tiredly walks into the living room. "Oh, hi."

"Well, you were out for a while," Kevin looks at Nari suspiciously, eating his bowl of cereal. "It was like 10 when you went out— it's like 1 am now."

"A friend needed me."

Juyeon looks at her. "At least you're safe..."    

Kevin almost chokes on his cereal when he realizes what he meant. No wonder why Juyeon was so worried for the girl being out so late.

Silence took over the group. Though it was comfortable, one individual couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

It's been a while since it was just the three together like this. Kevin was always out with other people, and the two were either busy with their own stuff or with Jacob.

"Uhm, so who's this friend of yours," Kevin asks, breaking the silence. "Was it Jacob?" He smirks at her.

"Hm, no," Nari replies, taking a spoonful of cereal before talking again. "It was a good colleague friend."

"We should watch a movie," Juyeon suggests, cutting the two off. "No one has a schedule tomorrow, right?"

"Today," Kevin corrects him, smiling playfully. "Today."

Nari snorts out a laugh, and Juyeon looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Today."

"I have no schedule later," Nari says.
"Me too," Juyeon states, raising his hand and laying back on the chair.

"Oh..." Kevin sheepishly rubs his neck. "I'm hanging out with Lana and Chanhee later, maybe Changmin will come, but we don't know yet."

Nari stiffens. Lana snooping through her journal came rushing back to her mind. A hand on her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts.

"You okay?" Juyeon asks.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just spacing out, aha," Nari laughs out. Juyeon looks at her suspiciously, while Kevin continues talking about what they're plans are for later.

"Oh, tea time," Kevin blurts out, making Nari and Juyeon have their full attention on him. "Lana likes Hyunjae."

Juyeon looks at him in shock and Nari almost spits out the cereal in her mouth.


"I know right," Kevin says. "I thought she would like Changmin, guess not, though."

A phone vibration averts their attention from the surprising news.


*nana.ang has posted*


 🤍  @gogo_eun

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🤍 @gogo_eun

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