17 💫

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Kevin dives to the other side if the couch, taking his phone.

"Oh it's Changmin."

"What'd he say?" Juyeon asks, curious to why he would be texting his roomate at 1 am.

"Oh, he told me to tell Nari to check her phone," he looks up at Nari. "Check your phone."

Nari makes the "okay" sign with her hand as she gets up to go to her room, where her phone is at.






Changmin's dolphin scream rings in Nari's ears as she spectates her surviving teammates playing. She can't help but laugh at Sunwoo and Changmin bickering.

It's now 4 am, they've been playing since 1 am.
Turns out Changmin wanted Nari to join him, Eric, and Sunwoo in a game, which made Kevin and Juyeon want to join as well.

And after half an hour of begging Changmin, the two finally got invited and played with them.

"We won!" Kevin shouted into his mic.

"I can hear you from my room, Kevin."

"Well, that's probably because we're roommates, Juyeon," he retorts. Nari giggles.

"You guys are funnier at night," she says, picking out what weapon she'll use for this round.

"Heyy," Kevin whines. "What does that—"

"We should play Minecraft," Eric randomly suggests. Nari, Sunwoo and Kevin all gasps.

"Ohmygod, that's a great idea, Sohn," Kevin says, immediately leaving the game.

"One of your greatest," Sunwoo adds, leaving as well.

Juyeon follows the three, leaving as well. Which leaves Changmin and Nari alone.

"I guess we're playing Minecraft now," Nari says into the mic, yawning.

"You know, if you're tired you can go to sleep," Changmin says, obviously concerned for the girl.

"No, it's—"

"No, she's playing Minecraft with us," Sunwoo says, interrupting their conversation. "Now join."


"Nari, that's the second cup you've over filled," Goeun states, putting her hands on her hips and looking at the younger with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she yawns out, stretching. "I slept all day yesterday, and didn't sleep at all last night."

Goeun raises her eyebrow. "What'd you do yesterday that made you sleep all day?"

"Stayed up til' 9 am."

The older makes an 'o' with her mouth, slowly nodding. "Why is that?"

"Because..." Nari looks up at her, pressing her lips together. "Because."

The two stare at each other, one waiting for an answer and the other not knowing what to say.

"I was playing Minecraft..."

Goeun bursts out laughing. "MINECRAFT?!"
Nari scoffs, looking away with a smile.

"Yes, MINECRAFT, what wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Goeun says, putting her hand on the latter's shoulder. "It just caught me off guard, you know?"

"I thought you would be up clubbing, or drinking, or smoking... smoking weed, maybe, or—"

Nari scoffs out a laugh. "You're funny."

"I know I am," she winks at her. "Okay, get back to work." She pushes her back to what she was working on.

"Nari, Lana's here, you can clock out now!"

Nari sighs in relief. She was happy that her work schedules didn't match with Lana.

After a few weeks if working there, their manager gave her a different work schedule that, thankfully, matched up with Goeun's.

Though, Goeun does get off a little earlier than she does. But that's fine, it's only 30 minutes.

Nari walks by Lana, giving her a small smile. But before she can walk away, she gets pulled back.

"I need to talk to you."

Nari blankly stares at her. Every time she looked at her, or even heard her name, the image of Lana going through her possessions made its way into her head.

"Uhm, yeah, sure," Nari manages to stutter out.

Once it was only Lana and Nari left in the staff room, Lana immediately pushes the girl onto the wall.

"You bitch," Lana aggressively pins her to the wall, grabbing Nari's face and forcing her to look at her. "They cancelled our plans because of you!"

"What?" Nari says, confused. She was in slight pain due to the sudden aggression, too.

"Don't act oblivious, Kang," Lana hisses. "I was left out in the sun for TWO HOURS because of you!"

"Lana, what do you mean?" Nari asks, trying to stay calm.

"Kevin AND Changmin both woke up late and weren't able to come to our place, you know why?" Lana pushes her onto the wall even more. "Because they were busy staying up with you!"

She pushes her against the wall again before letting go. "And Chanhee couldn't come because things came up..."

Nari scoffs at her. "How old are you, Lana?" 

Lana looks up at her, confused. "What?"

"How old are you?" Nari asks a little louder this time. "Lana, they have lives that don't evolve around you, okay? They have other friends, other errands, other shit to do that doesn't have to do with you."

"You do realize that, right?"

Lana scoffs. "But—"

"No Lana, stop acting like this," Nari says, moving closer to her. "All this, 'they like me more', 'I'm better' bullshit, we're 20—"

A a sharp pain cuts her off. Nari widens her eyes, slowly bring her hand to her cheek.

"What the fuck."

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