Chapter 31

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Nadine and Bayne left me alone with my father.

"Romulus fixing you up alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm doing alright." I said.

"I'm sorry that I sent Bayne with you. He was reckless. I thought sending you with him would straighten him out. But it didn't. It just put you in danger." He said.

"That's not true. Bayne has done nothing but help me."

"He is the reason humans saw us. He is the reason you were shot."

"No, he wasn't! He didn't do anything wrong. The police were shooting at him, I jumped in front of him. I took the bullet for him. It was my choice. So please, don't punish Bayne for my decisions." I ranted.

"But it was Bayne's job to keep you safe. He failed to do so. When you're all better I'll send you back, but with someone more competent. I'll send Dakota back with you. I trust him. He will ensure your safety."

"No, dad. I don't think I should go back there. At least, not for now."

"What are you saying, son?"

"I want to stay here, if you'll allow it."

My dad's face went from stressed to happy in seconds. He seemed relieved.

"You really want to stay here? With me?"

"Yes. I do. I think becoming apart of the pack is what's best for me now."

I lied. I needed to be close to Bayne. He was the only way I was going to be able to kill Remus and become human again.

"I'm happy you have come to that decision. I think it's what's best too. I'll let Dakota know to unpack his things." He got up and began towards the door.

"Can Nadine stay too? I don't think she'd want to be separated. I don't want to be away from her, either."

My dad nodded in agreement.

"You have a good woman, keep her." Said my dad.

Internally, I let out laugh. If only he knew.

"I know. She's great." I replied before he left.

Nightfall was not fun for me. I didn't remember as much as I did during the harvest moon, but the beast let me rest this time. The pain made it hard to do any movement more than walking. Despite my mind being a passenger again, I got to rest.

I woke up in the woods and made my way back to the lodge. My chest ached.

"It would've been nice if last night was cloudy. Let's check your chest." Said Romulus. He checked it and ensured it was healing properly. He had fixed my broken leg in a matter of days, I was certain he would be able to fix my chest wound.

It was November now. I thought of how the holidays were coming up. I knew I wouldn't be able to spend it with my aunt and uncle, but I knew if we caught Remus I would spend the rest of my holidays with them.

A few days passed and my chest was completely healed. Romulus was truly a fantastic healer. I waited for Bayne to tell me the plan, what we were going to do next. It was hard, we had to talk about it within my father knowing. My father still didn't want me near Bayne.

Bayne instructed me and Nadine to meet him down by the lake to update us on the plan.

"There's a lake here too?" Said Nadine. We marched into the woods and down the side of a hill. She was bundled up in a winter coat.

"I guess so. You can kind of see it from the top floor of the lodge, but it's hidden behind the trees." I explained.

"A soccer field, a lake, a massive cabin. Maybe being here isn't all that bad." She said.

"How do you feel? Being in a house full of wolves?" I asked her as we stumbled down the hill.

"It's not bad. I thought it would be worse. They're all pretty nice to me. Even your dad." She said.

"Yeah. He's a decent guy, I think."

Bayne was already down by the lake. He was wearing his leather jacket and t-shirt under it. His hands were stuffed in his pockets.

"Jesus, don't you guys ever get cold?" Said Nadine while shivering.

"Not really. Wolf thing." I explained.

"What's the plan, Bayne?" Nadine asked him, her teeth practically chattering.

"We need to track Remus. We know who we're looking for, so the tracking spell shouldn't be as hard. Plus I have this." Bayne lifted a chunk of dark fur in his hand.

"It's that Remus's?" I asked.

"Yes, from the scuffle the other night. I went to the abandoned cabin he fought us in. Fur was everywhere. Raven can track him with this."

"That's great, should we go then?"

"Slow down. Your dad cannot know what we are up to. He's going to know something is up if he realizes the two of us are always together. He needs a distraction." Said Bayne.

"Distraction?" Nadine questioned.

"Yes. That will be you." He said to her.
She gasped.

"What? Me?"

"Yes. You need to keep him off our tail. If he finds out what we are doing, he will put a stop to it, and Erin will never become human again."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Befriend him, I don't know. Just keep his attention off us." Explained Bayne.

"Why me? Why can't someone else do it?" She snapped.

"We're needed to kill a werewolf, which, no offense, you're human. You're not strong
enough to do so. So you're the distraction."

"What am I supposed to talk about with him? He's a forty something year old wolf!" Nadine huffed.

"Don't know, actions speak louder than words." He winked.

"Ew! That's sick!" Nadine scrunched up her nose and glared at Bayne.

"Then figure it out." He said. Nadine crossed her arms and didn't say much else.

"We also need to talk to Romulus."

"Why?" I asked.

"So he knows we're going to kill his only brother."

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