Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter twenty two

Layla was met with wailing as she made her way closer to the yellow tape, both from the police car which greeted her, and Will.

She ducked under the 'do not cross' tape and hurried over to the group of people busily scurrying around something. She'd been told there was an emergency.

Will was in hysterics. Woody was trying to console him, as he repeatedly rubbed his back comfortingly. Wills face was red and tear stained.

"It's all my fault." Layla could just about hear Will muttering, whether to himself or Woody, she didn't know.
"If I hadn't of..."

Layla turned away to see a team of medical workers and police, lifting a body from the bank of the river.

They placed her down, water dripping from her clothes and hair. Will let out another cry, although his sobs had decreased.

She crouched down next to the woman, immediately noticing the wound at the back of her head.

There were bruises littered around her throat, and a dent where it looked like her windpipe had been crushed.

Layla didn't know who she was, but it looked like the guys did. Looking over, she noticed Dan had joined them. He made eye contact with Layla who was still crouched by the dead woman.

Dan ran a hand through his hair, concern etched on his face as he walked off to the side, nodding his head to the side, gesturing for Layla to follow him.

She stood and promised the police hovering around the body, that she'd be back soon.

"Dan?... Who is she."

He looked over at Will, before back to her.

"Wills girlfriend. They had an argument and she walked out on him. He, he tried..., he blames it on himself."

They both looked over to Will and Woody.

Layla nodded, "thanks for telling me, you should go and," she cast another glance over to Will, "you know..."

Dan smiled sadly down at her before going back to his grieving friends.

She was handed a case file and quickly scanned it to find Wills girlfriends name: Awuoi.

Layla shivered as she carefully turned over the body, there was nothing else. One of Awuoi's hands was balled up into a fist, her arms hanging limply at her sides. But whereas one hand was partly open, this one, was tightly scrunched around something.

Her body, Layla noted with dismay, had already began to stiffen, the skin saturated and swollen from the cold river water.

After prising her fingers apart, Layla discovered what Awuoi had been holding into.

A key.

It was small and golden, one side was slightly sticky, and the metal was cold to the touch.

Layla popped it in a plastic bag, and handed it to one of the police officers.

The weather was grey as Awuoi's body was zipped up then wheeled away, past Will.

Layla had her suspicions of what door the key would unlock, but not who it belonged to. If she was right, then it meant that everything was much more dangerous than she'd first thought. They could be watching her right now.

A shiver went down her spine. The killer was closer than everyone had thought. And if Awuoi knew something that had gotten her killed, then Layla had to keep quiet about everything she'd discovered, or she might be next.



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