Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter twenty three

Dan leaned across from the drivers seat to wrap his arms around Layla in a hug. They stayed like that for a few seconds longer.

"You'll be okay?"

She nodded. "I'm fine, but Dan?..."

He smiled sadly as she got out of the car, her bags and notepads at the ready. She was glad he'd finally got the car windscreen repaired, because it was getting colder, and the crack had started to grow bigger.

Shutting the door, Layla stood back on the pavement and watched as Dan drove off to the morgue to see his friend.

Kyle's body was going in the ground any day now. They'd tried to hold onto his body for as long as possible, but now, the body was quickly deteriorating, his body shouldn't have been left so long.

Layla felt guilty that Dan would see his murdered friend decomposing in a cold metal draw.

Dan's car had long since disappeared now. She turned towards the block of flats towering above her. Taking in a slow, steady breath, Layla began the long climb up the stairs to the 7th floor.

She'd never liked lifts, which was inconvenient.

Dan said he'd text her once he was outside again, and although he'd only left ten minutes ago, Layla wished he'd change his mind, and she wouldn't have to do this.

But this was important. There had been three murders in the same 5 mile radius, in less than a month.

Gingerly, she tapped on the wooden door. Not five seconds later, Will appeared, disheveled and exhausted. His hair sticking up and a small cut on his chin, which Layla suspected was from shaving. He was severely shaken from the loss of his girlfriend.

He didn't try to close the door in her face this time, just let her walk right into the living room instead.

The walls were covered, top to bottom, in scribbled notes, pictures and pieces of string, connecting them together.

Layla suspected he'd watched too many investigation, crime shows.

There were so many, so many unseen photos, so many illegible notes. All different, so many in fact, that nine of the wallpaper could be seen.


He sat himself down in an armchair. "I want to help."

She but her lip, but Will continued before she could say anything.

"Look, I know we, we didn't get off to a, well good, start, but... I want to help, you just need to trust me."

"If you know anything about the other night, or any other nights, that you're not telling me about, why should I trust you?" Layla narrowed her eyes sceptically.

Will looked so down trodden, so desperate.

All of a sudden, her phone started jumping about, the default samsung ringtone, humming through the quiet.




She could hear him out of breath, wheezing slightly down the other end of the line. She ignored Will's suspicious look.

"There was a fire."

"What!?" Her eyes widened.

"There was a fire... At the morgue, and most of the files have been destroyed."

Layla was silent. All of the work on this case, gone, apart from the valuable scribbles she held in her notebook. Everything.

"Layla?... They, they think is was arson."

"... Okay..." She managed a whisper down her mobile, "I'll be waiting outside."

She glanced at Will, who, by the look on his face, had heard every word, and didn't say anything as she defeatedly left.

Someone didn't want her to piece everything together. They would do anything to get away with it, and in that moment, Layla realised they were dangerously close to doing so.



The end is close now guys :)
So, who killed Kyle Simmons?

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