Chapter Twenty

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Chapter twenty


That bastard. I can't believe he cheated. Probably with some bimbo he'd never see again too.

A scowl was permanently etched on my face, reflected in the windscreens and windows of cars I angrily strode past. My hands were bawled into fists, I'd had to try very hard not to punch him there and then.

He'd actually had the audacity to fuck her, not once, but twice, at their flat. Did he really think I wouldn't have found out? How dumb did he take me for?

And with everything that had happened. Kyle had known, but only the first time. What's worse was that Will hadn't broken it off then, even when someone had caught him and that bitch together.

I thought back to when he pleaded for me not to leave. My bags already in the car, I'd come back only to tell him that I never wanted to see him again, that anything that happened and will happen because of this is his own damn fault. Of course he'd begged for me not to leave him, that he was stupid and he'd made a mistake. I wanted to forgive him, but I couldn't.

It was darker now, as evening rolled on, the street lamps illuminated the pavement with an orange glow. Slowly, the light, and warmth began to dissipate as I turned to go through the woods.

The park I was walking through, was deserted and quiet, just what I needed to be alone with my thoughts. There was a bench by the river.

I hadn't noticed someone was already sat there until I myself sat down and they turned to face me.

I smiled at them, before realising who it was.

"Did you know he was cheating?"

They shook their head, a grim look on their face. No one else had known except Kyle, who sadly took that to the grave only for her to discover a couple of weeks later.

"He's such a bastard, I can't believe it." I let out a small defeated laugh. "I suppose everything happened at once, and no one's any closer to fixing it. Only Kyle knows everything that's happened, and he's the one that's fucking dead."

They sat silently next to me, listening, intently.

"I mean, I think I know who did it, but nothing adds up..." I turned my head to look at them properly this time. The smile, sick and twisted confirmed my fears.

"Who?" They asked, standing, towering over me sat on the bench.

Standing up to match them, I glared. "You, all along. I trusted you. How could you do this to me, to everyone... To Kyle?"

They said nothing, just stood there.

"Do you even regret anything? Was it really that easy? To just destroy him and everyone else like that?!" My anger fuelled me, but to be honest, I was scared and desperately wanted to be anywhere but here.

Striding off, I would go to the police, everything would be fine, it would be fixed, everything would be-


The killer

She crumpled to the floor in a heap like a rag doll. She'd been so stupid, had she really thought she'd be able to walk away, perhaps tell the world. The sharp edged stone clattered to the pavement with her.

I couldn't do this again, but I had to. Her words still rung in my head. I had done this before, and I could do it again.

She began to stir as I dragged her body towards the river. The freezing water reached my knees, turning my legs instantly numb and unfeeling.

There was blood on the back of her head, where the stone had struck her, matting her dark hair, staining my hands.

She began to wriggle, the water splashing around my legs as I waded on further, my hands red and white with cold, I felt myself shiver. I thought back to what she'd said. No, to answer her question, it wasn't easy, but it was necessary.

One hand on her chest, the other on her head, I roughly shoved her under the water, her screams lost as her mouth was filled with water. She was stronger than I'd anticipated.

Managing to break away, she took a gasping breath, harshly pushing me back. She began to wade towards the river bank, clothes sticking to her body, she frantically looked from me to the path. Grinning, I slowly walked after her, she wasn't going anywhere.

She collapsed, exhausted, taking deep gulping breaths. Making my way over, I slowly wrapped my arms around her neck. Choking sounds gradually ceased, as her body went limp.

Her limbs beginning to stiffen, I placed the key in her palm, then folded her fingers into a fist around it, before rolling her back into the river. Her body being dragged downstream.



Shits going down now guys 😂.

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