Chapter Eight

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Chapter eight

It wasn't the first time Layla had slumped into the driving seat of her car.

If solving real murders was anything like Cluedo, then her job would be a whole lot easier.

Right now, there were too many loose ends, anyone could have killed Kyle, some random stranger could have killed him, and be halfway across the world for all she knew.

She was flicking mindlessly through her phone, her car still parked outside the block of flats where Will lived, when she saw the time on her phone.



She was supposed to be meeting Dan in five minutes, at a shop that was 20 minutes drive away.

Throwing her phone onto the passenger seat, Layla started the car, which made that same peculiar grumble it always did.

She clicked in her seatbelt, one hand on the wheel as the car hared around the corner of the street.


Well, hopefully Dan would be late as well.

After getting to the right street in record breaking time, Layla soon realised there were no parking spaces left.


After managing to fit her car into a space smaller than anyone would think possible, Layla stumbled onto the pavement almost falling over after tripping on the curb.

She breathed in deeply trying to maintain a calm demeanour. He keys once again tossed carelessly into her bag.

The shop wasn't too big, but not cramped, just on the corner of the street.

After scanning the small cafe and not finding Dan, Layla guessed she'd missed him.

She decided to grab a coffee anyway and sit in the corner of the shop, right at the back, and scroll through her phone.

There were so many missed calls and messages that Layla wasn't keen to see what they said. It was always tiresome dealing with everyone when these things happened.

There was a tap on the table in front of her. Layla looked up first to see a colourful red, yellow, black and green shoelace, followed by several other bands Dan had wrapped around his wrist.

Dan gave her a funny lopsided grin, he was perkier today.


"Hi how are you?"


The wooden chair opposite Layla made a scraping claws on blackboard sound as Dan pulled it out from under the table.

They both winced.

"Sorry." Dan apologised.

"No worries."

Then what small talk they'd had, ended, and neither of them knew how to keep the failing momentum of the conversation going.

"I saw Will."

"... What did he say?"

"He didn't do it."

"That's what everyone's gonna say, it's what I'm gonna say, it's what Woody's gonna say, it's what Janna, Chrissy, and everyone else involved in this is gonna say."

Layla nodded.

Dan sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's just so, s-so hard with like Kyle and everything."


His seemingly happy mood a few minutes ago, had abruptly come to an end. He wasn't better.

She'd been told that the band, particularly Kyle and Dan, were very close.

She didn't have the heart to question him just yet.

"Dan, I, ... Let's not talk today, maybe in a couple more days when you're ready."

He nodded, just staring off blankly out of the window.

"Can I, give me your number," Layla held an arm out and Dan pressed his phone into her hand.

She was surprised it had no pass code, but wasn't going to complain as that made it easier the find his number.

Under the headline of Me, in his contacts list, it appeared he didn't know his own number too well.


Once back in her car, Layla decided to check the missed calls and listen to the voicemails.

Kyle's family had come down today, to the morgue.

Layla had been planning on going back there, but it was always difficult seeing how broken the families that visited were.

She guessed she'd have to skip that little trip for tonight.



Hey guys, guess what...
I know who killed Kyle 😏

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