Chapter 15

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*Kian's Pov*

My mom pulled me aside.

"Kian, Is that the girl you have been talking about?"

I nodded with a huge smile

My mother hugged me tightly.

"Kian I'm proud of you, Looking how much you have grown, But I don't know how happy your father will be when he gets home."

I sighed, "He is just gonna need to be happy" I replied leaving my mother going to Sarah who was surrounded by my siblings.

I led Sarah to the couch, She sat down as carefully as possible, I sat beside her.

"You good?" I whispered to her

She smiled and nodded.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder pulling her close.

My sisters Tab and Izzy awed at us. I noticed I was blushing and so was Sarah, I could feel heat just burning in my face.

My mother sat down looking at us.

"Sooo" Izzy asked.

"How did you two meet?" Tab asked.

"Oh, Sarah is a good friend of Trevor's and she came down to visit..."

"Where was your first kiss?" My mother asked excitedly.

"On the beach at sunset" Sarah replied smiling.

My mother opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by my father walking through the door.

My heart thumped, What would he do.

He came in the living room and sat down beside my mother.

He looked at my siblings telling them to leave the room.

"Can I speak with her alone" He asked.

My heart thumped even faster.

"Kian" My mother said signaling me to leave and she would stay.

What was he going to say to her?

*Sarah's Pov*

At this point fear was probably plastered all over my face.

His mother gave me a reassuring smile.

"So why my son?" He asked me.

I froze

"Well, He has just always been supportive, sensitive, just there no matter what and he accepts me for who I am." I replied.

He smiled at me. 

"Did I scare you?" He asked.

I slightly nodded.

"KIAN" He called.

I saw Kian rush in with a worried look on his face.

He rushed over and sat beside me.

"Kian why do you look like you just saw a ghost? Did you think I would have broke you two up?" He asked

Kian nodded.


We all said goodbye and left his parents place

We drove home and walked in to see nobody home, Cars gone and house was quiet like a ghost town. I plopped down on the couch rolling up my sleeve to a small pink ribbon. Tears sprung into my eyes. Kian came and looked at me.

"What's Wrong" he asked

"Nothing" I replied blinking away tears.

He sat down and looked at my wrist giving me a confused look.

When I was in grade 4 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, She is healthy and well to this day but... I really miss her.

Kian rubbed my shoulder comforting me while a tear ran down my cheek.

I grabbed my phone while sniffling.

"Hello?" My mother asked.

"Hey Mom" I said weakly.

"Honey what's wrong" she asked

"Mom, I-I really miss you, I just needed to hear your voice." I said 

"Honey we really miss you too" She said sounding like she was in tears.

"Honey we have to go, We are going to pick up some lunch but go check the mail" She said

"Okay Love You"

"Love you too honey"


I sighed getting up to walk down to the mail box.

"Where are you going" Kian asked.

"1.Getting air, 2. Getting the mail"

"Okay Bye Babe"

"Bye Ki"

I walked out and over to the mail box that was a few feet away.

I finally arrived there opening the box.

I opened the letter.



Hi Sweetie, Well we just wanted to let you know that we are 

coming down to Cali to visit you. Your brother took it the hardest

And we all miss you so much. We will be coming down on

Sunday of next week because your dad is off work and your

brother has no school. Hope to see you soon!

~Mom Dad and Sam


I smiled I can't wait for Sam to meet Sam.


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