Chapter 1

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I eyed the clock while also watching the teacher pretending to pay attention. In my head I counted down from 5 and when I reached 1 the bell finally rang. I sprung up and walked over to my locker and popped open my lock and started packing my bag. 

SARAH! Someone screamed from behind me.

I shot around to see Alli running over to me.

Hey Girly what's up?

Are you ready for summer?! I've got everything planned! she explained excitedly.

I looked at her. Uh Allie those plans kinda just got crushed.....

She looked at me confused, What do you mean? 

Allie I'm-I'm going to Cali for the summer...

Her smile faded and she looked down at her feet.

Allie I'm so sorry that our plans kinda failed but do you wanna come with me?

A smile crept apon her face, OMG! Yes Yes! She gave me a hug. 

She stopped and let go but Sarah you know my parents will never pay for my ticket and I don't have nearly enough becuase I just payed for my extra classes and..

I cut her off by handing her a ticket, Her eyes widened, Sarah you did not! Allie I did so ! I replied smiling.

She hugged me. Allie I gotta go but text me and I'll tell you the deets also make sure your parents say yes. Okay Bye ! She replied running off and out the shool doors.

I could not believe that this was the last day of school and summer was already started.

I packed my bag grabbing my phone off the top shelf of my locker and closed it popping my lock closed again and running out the door and walking my way back home. My phone rang in my back pocket, I reached back and answered it. Hello?

Hey Sarah it's Trev

Oh hey Trevy! Uh what's up?

Do you have any plans for the summer?

Well uh yah it was supposed to be a surprise but not anymore I giggled into the phone.

Wait what surprise? He asked

Well Alli and I are coming down to Cali to visit you.


I giggled into the phone Trevy then what was the point of a surprise

He laughed Well I guess I'll talk to you soon, Oh when are you flying down?

Alli and I will fly down tomorrow as soon as Alli's parents say okay.

Okay perfect! See you soon Sarah Beara

I giggled okay Trevy Wevy


I reached home and opened the door going up to my room, Nobody was home because my Dad was at work and my Mom was picking up my brother from school. I walked into my room plugging my ipod into my mini stereo and sang along to every each song while browsing on YouTube and other social midea. 

I was in my room for about a hour when Alli finally called. I turned off my iPod and answering my phone.


Hey Sarah I talked to my parents and they said .... YES!


Okay I will, What time do we have to go to the airport?

Oh we have to get to the airport by 5 for our flight to Toronto then from there we go to Cali!

Okay Perfect I'll meet you at the air port.

No my Dad will drive us I'll be at ur place by 4:30

Okay perfect I can still sleep in!

Uh no sorry Allie 4:30 in the morning

Oh, She nervously giggled

Well call me if you need anything girly!

Okay BYE!


I looked at my packed suit cases in the corner.

Gosh I was so exited to see little Trevy I ran back to my desk while I got a skype call from Connor.

I answered it

Hey Con Da Bon! I said loudly

Hey Kitty He said mimicking me

I giggled. I never got why he called me Kitty but I liked it

So you broke the news to Trev?

Yah I giggled

SOoOoO Who is Alli?

Oh Alli is my best friend and we had planned stuff this summer but I kinda crushed our plans because I wanted to come see you all so I decided to bring her along!


So what's Up? I asked 

Eh not much just kinda bored, what about u?

Same not much but yah.

KIAN SHUT UP! Connor yelled 

I giggled 


Here is my 2nd story enjoy!

Also haha cliffhanger I'm evil lol

~Sarah :3 Love yah!

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