Mae and Maggie in Starbucks

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Yeah, for absolutely no reason. Let's go!  

Modern AU 

The doorbell rang as a tall, red haired man walked through. He dipped his head to avoid hitting the doorframe, brushing the "OPEN" sign as he passed. A few heads turned his way, but soon lost interest. 

Maedhros took in the earthy smell of coffee and made his way over to a familiar face. 

Maglor smiled as his brother took a seat across from him, tucking in his legs. He sipped his strong, black coffee and shut his laptop. "What brings you here, háno?" 

Maedhros shrugged. "Just passing by, and I thought I might see you." He ordered a latte from the waitress and continued. "Atar finished his latest project, and he misses us. You know, Thanksgiving is coming up, and he wants to reunite with his family." 

Maglor took another sip from his coffee. "His family, or ours?" 

Maedhros made a face. "You know how he is, Mags. He barely tolerates those Christmas dinners that Grandpa Finwë always insists on." 

Maglor nodded. "I'd eat my harp the day Atar voluntarily invited the Nolofinwëans and the Arafinwëans to anything." 

Maedhros snorted. "Too true. It's been more than thirty years, and he's still not over it." 

He thanked the waitress who brought him his latte and drank. "Curvo and Tyelpë are visiting Amme. She's been a bit lonely lately, Káno. I think we ought to take a trip and visit Atar and Amme." 

Maglor nodded. "I will. I just have a few projects to finish. Oh, by the way, I saw the Ambarussa yesterday." 

Part 2 coming soon! (Mostly because I have no idea how to end this lol)

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