Bedtime story 2 - Nelyo and Finno

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@fingonsharp Thank you for motivating me to write this! Lol

I'm not gonna lie, for a long time this was a huge plot hole. I had a friend come up with a suggestion for what they got in trouble for, and modified it a bit. The original one did have coffee though! Not my best work, but overall I'm happy with it. It looked super long in my english notebook, but I'm just now realizing how short it actually is. Sorry if you're disappointed :(

"Come on Nelyo! You've only told us boring old stories about some faraway lands and made up wars! Tell us about something real!" Pityo begged. 

"Yeah! Like the time you got in trouble with Finno!" Telvo added. "Pu - lease?" 

Nelyo sighed. 


Nelyo and Finno ducked under the table, waiting for Nolofinwë to pass. 

"Coast clear!" Nelyo whispered. 

The two elflings crawled out, and Finno looked at Nolofinwë's cup curiously. 

"Nelyo, what's this?" He prodded the cup filled with a dark brown liquid. It smelled heavenly. Finno, like the curious elfling he was, decided to take a sip out of his father's cup. Nelyo shouted out in alarm. 

"Finno, that's coffee!" 

Findekano, surprised by the bitter taste of the coffee, dropped the cup. He jumped back as it crashed onto the table, spilling its contents. Nelyo jerked back as well. A second later, they heard running, and Nolofinwë burst into the room. Finno's hand still hovered over the cup, Nelyo had his mouth half open, about to shout a warning to Finno. Both of the elflings froze. Nolofinwë looked between the two of them and the spilled coffee with a startled expression, blinking several times. 

Nelyo backed away slowly. "I can explain -" 

Finno grabbed Nelyo's hand and pulled him out of the room, dashing down the hallway and swerving to avoid people. 


The two elflings, too absorbed with escaping, didn't see where they were going. Nelyo ran straight into Nolofinwë's secretary, who was carrying a stack of important looking papers. Nelyo crashed right into him, sending the papers flying. 

The elf shouted as Finno pulled Nelyo up again, the two troublemakers scrambling down a flight of stairs. Turning a corner, they suddenly they were outside. 

Nelyo pulled his friend into a bush, and they watched, out of breath, as Nolofinwë and his secretary ran past, shouting their names. Finno looked at Nelyo and grinned. 

"That was fun!" 

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