How Celegorm Got Huan

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Fanfic Imagine of how Celegorm got Huan. Enjoy! :D


Atar: father

Feanaro: Feanor

Tyelko/Tyelkormo: Celegorm

Nelyo: Maedhros

Moryo: Caranthir

"Atar! I want a dog!" The blond haired elf begged his father. Ever since he became friends with the Hunters of Oromë, it had been like this. I want a horse, I want a dog, I want to go hunting for a month. Sometimes Feanaro wondered if Oromë was a bad influence. 

"Tyelko, I am not getting a dog." 

"I'll take care of it!" Tyelko said eagerly. 

"How many times, Tyelkormo? For the love of Eru, if you want a dog, go ask Oromë and do not bother me again!" Feanaro was getting tired of his son's non-stop pestering. 

Tyelko glared. "Fine! Maybe I will!" 

Feanaro didn't really think over what Tyelko had said. It was just one of his temper flares. Plus, he had six other sons to watch over. 

"Atar, I can't open this!"

"Atar, he did it!"

"No I didn't! Don't listen to him!"

Feanaro sighed. When Nerdanel went out for commissions, he was left with seven troublesome sons to babysit. 


 Tyelko wolfed down his breakfast, wiped his mouth, grabbed his back and dashed out the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Nerdanel. 

"On a hunt! I'll be back in a few days!" Shouted Tyelko. Nerdanel sighed. He was always going on unplanned hunts. She wasn't surprised. 


"Atar! Tyelko is back!" The eldest son of Feanaro looked out the window. 

The sons of Feanaro all rushed downstairs. Tyelko opened the front door. 

"What is that thing?" 

A mass of grey and yellow fur hurled itself at Nelyo, who was closest to him. The tall redhead fell backwards, toppling over his brothers. 

"What is that?" demanded Feanaro. 

"It's a dog, Atar. You told me to ask Lord Oromë, so I did. His name is Huan." Tyelko replied, hauling Huan off of Nelyo, whom he was currently licking. 

"You have one chance to name a dog, and you call him Huan?" Moryo demanded, the same time as Feanaro said:

"You actually went and asked Oromë?"

"Yes Atar. Can I keep him?"

Feanaro opened his mouth to reply, looking outraged, but Nerdanel laid a hand on his arm. "I suppose that since he's here, he might as well stay. You can keep him, Tyelko."


Nerdanel turned to Feanaro. "I'm sure he'll fit right in with the family." 

Across the room, Huan was chasing the elves around the dining table. 

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