Silm characters at a party

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Again, sorry for only writing a few characters, I just really couldn't think of anything for the other ones. I clearly have a preference for elves... If you have any favourites (totally not like me, cough cough) just leave a comment, I can write it. I'm gonna keep this one short. 


Finwe: dancing elegantly

Feanor: dancing and drinking wildly

Nerdanel: trying (and failing) to convince Feanor to not drink so much

Fingolfin: slightly uncomfortable, having polite conversation with everyone, had one dance

Finarfin: happy and dancing, had one drink

Maedhros: was chatting and eating, got pulled into a dance, is enjoying himself immensely

Maglor: slightly uncomfortable, performed a song, got dragged into a dance, but is secretly enjoying it

Celegorm: does not like his formal clothes, but is chatting with some ladies, had a lot of food

Caranthir: standing in the corner, slightly embarrassed, was convinced to dance, is slightly flustered

Curufin: dancing a bit, rotating between chatting and drinking

Amrod: dragged here by Amras, is uncomfortable, trying to scoot away from the dance floor

Amras: desperately trying to convince Mae to let him try some wine, is planning a prank, trying to tell Amrod to have some fun, chatting with everyone

Fingon: laughing and dancing, having the time of his life

Turgon: quietly reading a book in the corner, until Fingon notices him

Aredhel: chatting with the Feanorians, dancing wildly with Celegorm, sneaking a drink when Fingolfin doesn't notice, eating more than thought possible

Galadriel: Eating a scandalous amount of food with Aredhel in a 'who can cram more party food in their mouth' contest, dancing, chatting, drinking when her brothers' backs are turned


Turgon: got caught by Fingon reading in a corner, was dragged away

Idril: talking, taking one drink, avoiding Maeglin

Glorfindel: absolute life of the party, has politely accepted to dance with half the people in the room, very hyper and adrenaline rushed, had more than one drink (exact number will not be revealed)

Ecthelion: mostly here to babysit Glorfy, has danced a little bit and had one drink, finally drags Glorfindel away and telling him he needs a break, did not expect Glorfindel to dance with him, but was secretly enjoying all of it

Maeglin: acting very sad because Idril isn't talking to him, but finally enjoyed himself when someone else asked him to dance

Sorry if this was a bit disappointing, but I hope you had a laugh, and I hope you're all having a great day! 

Also a question: who do you all ship?

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