Finwëans Cooking

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Random, I know. Just decided to do this on a whim. 

- Grandpa Finwë is actually not that bad at cooking, but prefers not to. He's had quite enough, with three sons and fifteen grandchildren (plus three great grandchildren!)

- Fëanor tries his best, but, in all honesty, please stick to omelettes and toast. 

- Fingolfin tries. He really does. I won't say more. 

- Finarfin is actually kinda good at cooking. (Note to self: ask him to make some coffee)

- Maedhros is... prone to burn a few things. Just saying...

- Maglor is actually really good at cooking. Definitely ask him for some breakfast. 

- Do NOT involve Celegorm with a kitchen. He can only cook at a campfire. Celegorm would accidentally burn down your house. 

- Caranthir is very good at cooking, but usually doesn't do it. (His brothers would tease him endlessly)

- Curufin tries, but usually ends up putting a bit too much salt. (Just a teeny, tiny bit)

- Amrod isn't bad at cooking. 

- Amras isn't as good as his twin, but can still survive. He can microwave food. 

- Celebrimbor also tends to burn some stuff. 

- Fingon can... get by, I guess. He can use an oven and a microwave. 

- Turgon is too busy. He just orders take-out food. 

- Aredhel only uses a microwave. 

- Finrod can cook. 

- Galadriel does not try to. 

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