Fëanorian Thanksgiving

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I know it's a day late, but happy Thanksgiving for those of you who celebrate it! I know Valinorian elves might not celebrate Thanksgiving, but I wanted to write it anyway. It's not exactly a modern AU, but still close enough. 

Dry leaves crunched under the horse's hooves. Nelyafinwë scanned the forest, green eyes bright and clear. His horse plodded on through the woods, unbothered by the biting cold of late autumn. Around them, the trees seemed to be aflame, painted in bright hues of red and orange, matching Nelyo's hair. The elf patted his mare. She snorted, sensing that they were close to home, and quickened her pace. 

Soon the dirt trail widened, the red canopy overhead thinned, and the woods broke. The path hugged the edge of the forest, and a house came into view. It looked like it always did, big but quaint, cozy, and home. Nelyo's dapple gray mare pricked her ears, both of them catching the sound of merry laughter, and delicious smells wafting out the open window. Nelyo breathed a contented sigh, his breath frosting in the chilly air. 

He stopped, and led his horse to the barn at the back of the house. Inside, he recognised three of his brothers' horses as well. After giving his mare some hay, Nelyo walked around to the front. 

Nelyo walked up the porch, still wet with rain and littered with autumn leaves. A worn but well loved 'Welcome' carpet lay before the red door. Nelyo raised his hand and knocked. 

Inside, the conversation paused. Tyelko stood up and opened the door. 

"Nelyo! You're finally here!" 

The two brothers embraced each other. They hadn't seen each other for well over half a year. Huan leaped on Nelyo and licked his face, as he bent down. 

"I'm glad I came, Tyelko."

Tyelko laughed. "As if Atar would let you get away with it!" 

Thanksgiving was a small family affair, not loud and noisy like Christmas, with all of the Finwëans gathered, but more for the tight knit family to spend a day together, putting aside their differences and enjoying each other's company. 

Tyelko and Huan led Nelyo inside. 

The house was as he always remembered it, with the wooden walls, the big fireplace, and the dining table. Wooden stairs led up to the second floor. 

Fëanaro, Moryo and Curvo sat around the table, while Nerdanel bustled around, setting food on the table. Huan wagged his tail, sniffing at some chicken. 

Nelyo went and hugged Moryo, Curvo, Fëanaro and finally, Nerdanel. 

"I'm happy to be back, amil." Nelyo picked up the bag he had brought. "I got presents for everyone!"

"It's Thanksgiving, Nelyo." Moryo pointed out. "Not Christmas."

Nelyo grinned, ruffling his brown hair. "Are you saying you don't want an extra present?" 

Moryo sighed, too cheery to be mad. "I suppose an extra one wouldn't hurt anybody."

"Then catch!" He threw a packet at Moryo, then at Curvo and Tyelko, and finally delivered two to his parents. 

"You're making us look bad, not bringing anything." Curvo teased good-naturedly. 

"Hey! Speak for yourself! I hunted a whole deer for the feast!" Tyelko put his hands up. 

"Speaking of which," said Fëanaro, "Here it is." A huge platter was set on the table. 

Huan barked. 

"Yes, I suppose you deserved it too." Tyelko replied, patting his shaggy wolfhound on the head. 

Huan looked at him and barked again. 

Tyelko laughed loudly. "Nelyo, he's asking you for a present!" 

Nelyo dug into his bag. "Then it's good I brought him one." He tossed a package to Tyelko, wrapped in coarse brown paper. Huan walked over to Nelyo and licked his hand, as a thank you

Tyelko ripped open the package and found a chew toy that squeaked loudly when he squeezed it. Huan turned to him, and Tyelko threw the chew toy to Huan. The hound began contently chewing on his new toy by the fireplace. 

Knocks sounded on the door again, and Nelyo went to answer. Standing outside, smiling and slightly red from the cold, was Káno. He hugged his brother. 

"I missed you, Nelyo." 

Nelyo patted Káno. "I missed you too, háno. Come inside! Only the Ambarussa are still missing." 

After some more present exchanges and hugs, two knocks rang from the door. Káno let the Ambarussa in. 

"Hey! Did we miss anything?" 

"Happy Thanksgiving! Are we late? Has dinner started? OOOOOO you have presents? Oh, hi Huan! Missed you too! Ow, Curvo, you're crushing me! Did you do that, Tyelko? Yes, Atar, I will!" 

The two redheads hung up their cloaks and joined their family at the dinner table. 

The friendly and loud banter began anew, and the family reunited. 

Hey there! Sorry I had to cut the end a bit short, but it's 9 PM and I'm tired... 

I'll probably do an entire Finwëan family thing for Christmas! I'm super hyped! Tell me if you liked it. Have a good day!

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