CHapter 13: Home

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It's been 4 months since the war started. Atem hasn't been injured again so far. So far Bakura hasn't won any battle. Not even the one Atem was injured in. The only reason I know that is because Atem sends me updates everyday. Being 4 months pregnant without my husband has been hard. I would say it's good that I'm not having twins again, but I'm actually having triplets. I'm finding out today what they are. Atem knows and I already started the letter telling him the genders. I head down to the doctors chambers and he's setting up the ultrasound. "Welcome your highness, ready to find out the genders?" He asks. "More than ready" I say. I lay down and revel my growing belly. He puts the probe on and looks around. "Ok first let's look at their health" he says. All three have strong heartbeats. And he sees that none of them are identical. Phew, one less thing to worry about. "Um, I think I made a mistake from your last ultrasound" the doctor says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "There's not triplets, it's quadruplets. Your having 4!" He exclaims. I look at him in shock. "And it's 2 boys and 2 girls." He says. I can't help but be shocked. He still tells me none of them are identical. I thank him and go to see the twins who were with the nanny.

After I check on them, I and finish my letter to Atem. I pray he won't be mad.


Atem Pov
It's over. It's finally over. Bakura was killed in our last battle and this time he won't come back. His f followers were all either captured or killed. Some turned away from him after seeing how evil he really was. Tomorrow we are riding back to the palace. Y/n will be shocked. My messenger arrives with another letter from y/n. I read it and I almost pass out. She's having 4 babies?!? Mahad and Mana went back to the monster realm already. Merick is here though. "4 more?" He asks. "Yes. It's a good thing I'm going home tomorrow. Y/n will be so happy." I say. I read the letter over again and see we will be having two of each. I think after this we might be done but I'll double check with y/n before I say for sure. As I drift off to sleep for the last time in this camp, I think of what y/n's reaction will be. I'll be happy to announce the end of the war to the kingdom as well. I know when the people heard there were so me many people concerned. I smile as I drift to sleep.


Early the next morning I wake up and stretch. What troops we have left get ready to head home. Yes we sadly lost some men and women, and all of them have been sent home in order to be properly buried. We will have a special moment when we get back to remember those who we lost. Everyone finishes getting ready to go home. Those who had horses mount them and we all head home together. We aren't going to run. Yugi, seto, and Joey will be heading back to Japan in a few days.


The ride back was long but we managed. It was dark by the time we arrived. I told the troops to go straight home and we'll announce the end of the war tomorrow. Yugi, seto and Joey fallow me to the palace and are shown a room by the guards after we get off our horses. I go to our chambers and see y/n there fast asleep. I change into pajamas and craw in bed behind her. I don't wanna scare her so I won't touch her. I yawn and fall asleep. As much as I want to hold her, I know that will scare her In the morning.

Morning arrives and I slowly open my eyes. I get up as best as I can to use the bathroom. It hard being pregnant for 4 babies at once, and I thought twins was hard enough. After I finish my business I walk out and notice a figure on my bed under the blanket. I'm scared, who is this person and how did they get in here, I prey it's not Bakura. The figure starts moving and he yawns. He sits up and I realize, it's, it's, "Atem!" I yell and run to him as best I can. He laughs and hugs me tightly without hurting me or the babies. "Hello y/n" he says. He gets up and gets dressed while I go to the twins and make sure they are okay. Atem comes and helps once he's dressed. We all go to the throne room where he tells me that they have to tell the kingdom. So, just like on my coronation, the whole kingdom is brought to the palace. Atem and I step onto the balcony. The twins are with the nanny. There is cheering as Atem lifts his arms to silence the people. "People of Egypt. Most of you already know but this is the official announcement. The war with Bakura is now over." He says. There is a big cheer. Atem calms down the people again. "While the war is over and Bakura is gone for good, I want to read a list of names of men and woman who have the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep Egypt safe. I promise we will have a special memorial for them in front of the palace with every single name so there sacrifice will not be forgotten." Atem says. He is handed a tablet with all the names. "These are in alphabetical order by first name, not order of death." Atem says. He starts reading the names.


It takes him a while to read the names since there were 250 people who died. After he finished he asks the families of those lost to come for a feast in their honor. As we get have dinner I am able to talk with some of the families. The really appreciate Atem for everything he's done. After dinner and after our guest leave we head to bed.

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