chapter 2: wedding day

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Atem POV
I stayed true to my word. I kept an eye on y/n for the last year. But God told me something. He said since I didn't live a full life, he was letting me come back. He told me I would go back in America. And, I had to sign up for this show called married at first sight. I knew I had to. Y/n just signed up herself. I need to make sure we are pared together. She's been a wreck without me. She thinks she ready but she won't be. That's why I'm coming back. Wait for me y/n. I'm coming.


A year already? It's been a whole year since Atem left. I took a gamble and signed up for this show called married at first sight. They just called today saying I have a match. We would be married in two months. My parents think it was risky. But, I can't bear to be alone anymore. I know I need to go wedding dress shopping right away. Luckily I have a dream dress. I go to David's bridal and ask them about a strapless dress that has f/c on the top that goes behind the dress and is in most of the train. They got the exact one. I try it on and I know it's the one. I'll be getting married along with 3 other couples who are all assigned to people they never met. I am nervous about it. But what choice do I have. I have one photo of Atem. Tèa gave it to me for my birthday when they visited me. They all know how much I miss Atem. I still have the cartouche Atem gave me. But since I'm getting married in a couple months I can't wear it anymore. Yugi called yesterday and told me that he and Tèa just got engaged. I dropped the news to him I was marrying a stranger. He said he would come to the wedding. I hope im Making the right decision here. Atem, you will always be in my heart. But I feel this is my best chance to finally move on. You told me your self to move on. I look forward to seeing you in heaven when it's my time. The next two months are going to be hettic.


It's the night of my bachelorette party. Not my choice. The producers idea. I met the three other women getting married in two days. These last two months have been heard. I kept thinking about Atem. I still do. "So, when the last time any of us made love?" One girl asked. "Well, I haven't had a boyfriend in 12 years" another girl answered. "Mine was a year and a half ago" the third girl said. "what about you y/n?" The first girl asks. "Never." I say. "Your a Virgin?" They ask. I nod. "Girl that's awesome. That will be much sweeter for you" the second girl said. I hope my fiancè is having a better time than I am.

Atem POV
It's two days before my wedding. I already know I'm marrying y/n. She will be shocked to see me. Right now I'm at the bachelor party that the producers set up for me and the guys. They are smoking and I don't like it. I just want to see y/n again. These last two months of being alive and her not knowing have been hard. I was able to tell Yugi, Tristan, Joey and Tèa. They said they will be at the wedding to support us both. They came to town yesterday. They're staying at a nearby hotel. I can't believe the producers are paying for everything. I can't wait to have y/n in my arms again. I missed her so much. And I know she misses me. Since I came back to life, I wasn't able to watch over her anymore. I honestly wasn't sure where she lived. But soon we will live together. I can't wait for that. I can't wait to see her face when she sees me. I love you y/n. You will be in my arms again soon.


Normal POV
Two days later the wedding day arrived. All 4 couples were nervous. But y/n was beginning to get second thoughts. She didn't tell anyone, but she decided once she was down the aisle, she would say she couldn't do it. She needed more time. There was a knock on her dressing room and she told them to come in. It was Yugi. "Yugi! You made it" y/n said hugging her friend. "We've missed you y/n. Everyone does" Yugi said. Yugi's tricolor hair was still in it's gravity defying ways. "Yugi, can you keep a secret?" Y/n asked. "Sure." He said. Y/n took a deep breath. "I can't do it. I still miss him" she admitted. Yugi smiled. "I'm guessing you are telling the groom that at the alter?" Yugi asked. Y/n nodded. "Who knows, you might change your mind when you see him" Yugi said knowing what was really happening. "We'll see." Y/n said. "I better get out there. See you soon" Yugi said as he left. Y/n put the last finishing touches and was ready. He father came to walk her down the aisle.

Here we go. I have to tell this man I can't. My heart still wants Atem. My father and I step though a door. The camera can clearly see I'm nervous. I'm about to do probably a married at first sight first. Ok y/n, calm down. My father and I head down to where the ceremony is supposed to be. When I look though the canopy, I heart skips a beat. Is that who I think that is? It can't be. He..he's gone.

I make my way down the aisle. "Y/n, meet Atem" the preacher says. It is him. "Hey y/n" Atem says. I can't deny it now deny it now. It's him. I want to cry. "they have written there own vows" the preacher says. There's not point in taking out my card to read mine. Plus Atem is first. "y/n, I know you are wondering how I'm back. I'll have to tell you the story at the hotel tonight. But knew all along you would be the one I would marry because I specifically asked for you. True to my word, I was watching over you until God gave me the second chance. I saw how you were without me. I promise you I will never leave your side again until death does us part. I love you and I always will." Atem says. I start crying. "I had something written, but it's useless now" I say and the crowd laughs. "I can't believe your standing here in front of me. I missed you this last year and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew you were always watching over me. But it was hard not having you beside me. Now, I will be with you, till death does us part. " I say. "Good job" Atem mouths. I mouth a thanks to him. "Do you Atem Sennen take y/n l/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The preacher asks. "I do" Atem answers. "And do you y/n l/n take Atem Sennen to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher asks me. "I do" I say. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss" the preacher says. Atem grabbed me and smashes our lips together. He even dips me. "For the first time, I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Atem Sennen" we run down the aisle. When we get a little privity before our pictures are taken, I hug him tightly and cry in his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist. "sh.. I'm here love." Atem says. "I missed you so much Atem. How did you return?" I ask. "God let me come back. He saw your state and knew you needed me. I made sure I was paired with you. They were shocked but agreed" Atem says. We spend the rest of the day taking pictures and enjoying the reception. I already know these next 8 weeks will be hard. But since we already knew each other and were already in love, we will get through it together.


Normal POV
That night Atem and y/n were given a big send off by the guests. They even had a carriage ride to the hotel. When they got to the hotel, Atem carried her all the way to the room. He put her on the bed. She laughed. "Want to help me out of my dress?" Y/n asked. Atem smiled. "Sure" he said. He helped her out of the dress after she stood up and she put it away where it wouldn't get ruined. Atem came behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her neck. "You have no idea how much I missed you. I love you so much" he said. "I missed you too." Y/n said. "i wanted to find you as soon as I was given a new life. But, I didn't even know where you lived. So, I signed up for this knowing you had signed up just days before." Atem said. "It's okay. You did everything you could." Y/n said turning to face him. He kissed her. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck. He took her to the bed. She smiled. She even wiggled her eye brows. Atem then kissed her neck as they spent there night together as a married couple. Happy to be in each other arms once again.

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