chapter 7: settling in

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It's been a couple days since I came to Egypt. Atem has been really excited about me being here. Tomorrow, I will be crowned as queen. I'm nervous, but excited. They wanted to give me a few days to rest before meeting the kingdom. Especially with me being pregnant. Atem loves that I'm showing and every night he will rub my belly. It feels weird but nice at the same time. Right now I'm waiting for Atem to get done with his duties done as pharaoh for the day. Hopefully soon I will feel the twins. I sometimes feel flutters but nothing really noticeable. After I'm crowned as queen, I will begin my own duties to the kingdom. I'm not for sure what they are yet though.

I get brought out of my thoughts as my husband comes in the room. "Hello my beautiful queen" he says. "Hello my pharaoh" I say. He laughs. "How's our heir's?" He asks. "They're fine right now." I say. He comes up to me and rubs my belly. "I really missed you while you were still in America" he says. "I missed you too Atem." I say. He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck.  "Are you nervous about your coronation?" Atem asks. "No, it will also tell the kingdom we are expecting" I say. "Yes. Expecting two heirs to the throne." He says.

Atem's POV
"Atem, it won't matter, only one can take it" y/n says. "I know. But, it's better to have more than one. But the first heir will be the first born, weather it's a boy or a girl" I say. "Thanks sweetie." She says. We kiss. I rub her stomach. "I can't wait until they come" I say. "We need names" she says. She's right we do. "Any suggestions?" I ask. She looks down. "I was thinking, if we have a girl and a boy, we could name the girl Lapis. And the boy mahad." She says. I smile. I do want a son named after my old protector, and having a daughter named after Lapis would be fine. "I like it." I say. "If we have two girls, we can still use Lapis, and the other girl could be Mana" she says. "Perfect. What about two boys?" I ask. "Mahad for one and I like the name Heba. for the other." I like it but a lot of the names are from my past. "Honey, are you sure you want to name some of them after people from my past?" I ask. "Yes. You were close to them even if you didn't remember them at the time." She says. I get to thinking about her due date. If I'm right, it could be close to my birthday. That would be something. "Alright, if your sure" I say. We are getting very excited about the babies.


It's the day of y/n's coronation. I know I had mine but this is to make her officially my queen. I've. Spent weeks working on her perfect crown. Its pure gold with b/s (birth stone) and other gems. It's not a huge crown, and looks more like a tiara, but it gets the point that she's queen of Egypt. She hasn't seen the crown yet.


To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm petrified. Will I make a good queen? I just finished putting on my new Royal clothes. It's a (f/c) dress with a white underline and gold all around the dress. I was even given a robe to go over my shoulders. I thought it would be too hot for that but they insisted. Luckily the dress works even while I'm pregnant. It actually shows the belly very well. The golden belt is under my belly to show it.

I'm heading to the throne room now to begin the ceremony. Atem will be right by my side. I enter the throne room and see my very handsome husband. He is wearing his royal clothing as well as his crown. The very crown he had five thousand years ago. He takes my hand and we walk up to the throne itself. Atem calls over a priest and he comes over with a beautiful crown. Atem takes the crown. "Do you promise to help protect and serve the people of Egypt? To help guide the king through everything?" A priest asks. "I do" I say. I bow my head and Atem sets the crown on my head. I lift my head and Atem extended his hand to me. I take it and he helps me stand. I take a seat at the throne and he sits beside me. "people of Egypt, I present to you the Pharaoh and his queen. Pharaoh Atem and queen y/n!" The priest says. "The Pharaoh and the queen! The Pharaoh and the queen" the people shout. The priest raises his hands to silence the crowd after a few minutes.

"The Pharaoh and the queen have a special announcement" he says. Since we are on TV, we didn't need to go on the balcony. Me and Atem stand and we hold hands. Right now my belly is hidden but that's why we are doing this announcement. "In just a few short months, we will be adding to the royal family." Atem says. People in the room look confused. I reveal my belly. "I am expecting twins." I say. The crowd cheers. "They are due in January, January 31st is the due date" I say. Atem looks shocked. He knows that that date is very close to his birthday. He smiles and looks back forward.


A few days later and I'm settling well as queen. We recently learned the twins arn't identical. But, we don't know if they are boys, girls, or one of each. I walk into mine and Atem's Chambers and he's out on our balcony looking at the city. I go behind him. "Honey, are you alright?" I ask. "Yes I'm fine y/n. Just thinking" he says. "About what?" I ask. "Yugi, Tèa, Tristan and Joey. We haven't seen them since our wedding. And I know Yugi and Tèa will be getting married soon." He says. "Oh yeah. But I can't travel anymore in my condition." I say. "That's why I'm thinking about inviting them here and me marrying them. I can do that as Pharaoh" he says.

I smile. "You want to call Yugi about it?" I ask. "Sure. Although, he might be asleep." He says. He grabs his cellphone off his dresser and calls Yugi's number. "..... Hey Yugi, long time no talk...... Yeah I know. How are you and Tèa?....... What! Oh my..... When?..... Do you want me to come to Japan?.... I guess that's a good point...... Alright, call if you need anything..... Yeah, I would say the same but I know it's different for you.... Alright Yugi..... Alright, bye." Atem says and sighs. "Atem, what's wrong. "Tèa was in an accident. She's in a coma right now. Yugi didn't want me to leave you in your condition." He says. Not Tèa, me and her were good friends. "Will she be okay?" I ask. "They aren't sure." Atem says sadly. I can't believe Tèa is hurt. "Well keep her in our prayers. In the meantime, what do you want to do?" I ask. "Honey, I know you want a daughter named lapis, but, I was thinking instead of naming our first girl Lapis, what's name her Mana. We can still name on lapis if they are born girls but I'm thinking of if they are one of each." Atem says. I smile. "That's fine. So if they are one boy and one girl, they will be mahad and Mana" I say. He nods. "I Love you Atem" i say. "And I love you y/n." He says. It was getting late so we lay down to get some sleep.


Atem POV
A week later we heard Tèa was going to be okay. She was still in the hospital but was now awake. That's good. Y/n had grown well into our queen. Right now we are at a doctors appointment for the twins. He knows that we are waiting until they are born to know what they are. "your coming along just fine your highness. They are right on track." The doctor says. "good." Y/n says. "Your good to go your highness. I'll see you in a month or so." He says. She thanks him and we head to our room. "I can't wait until they are born" y/n says. "I can't either." I say.

We go to the room next to ours that we are turning into the nursery. It's being decorated in a way where it would work for boys and girls. We have plenty of clothing for both. We even have several twin outfits that would work for both. The room is gold with two cribs, two dressers, two play boxes, two wardrobes, and two changing tables. I can't tell you how many sets of clothes we have or how many diapers and wipes we have. The room also had a couple of rocking chairs for me and y/n to sit at to rock the babies to sleep. I know the kingdom is very excited about the babies as well. Sometimes when I hold Court, someone will congratulate me on the twins. We can't wait until they are here.

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