chapter 12: that was close

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Atem POV
I see nothing but darkness. I know I'm alive since I'm not in heaven again. I can hear something. "Please your highness, you need to wake up. Your wife and children need you" a soft voice says. I recognize it well. I slowly open my eyes and I see my old friend, Mana. "Pharaoh, your awake!* She says. "What happened?" I ask. "You were stabbed in the stomach. But we got you out of the field of battle right away after Bakura walked away. He must have thought you died instantly." Mana says. "Oh." Is all I can say. "The doctor says you will be just fine. I um, did use some of my healing magic on you but, that's besides the point. That sword missed all of your major organs." Mana says. I smile. "Thank you Mana. So, when did you become dark magician girl?" I ask curiously. She rubs her head. "Well um, the night after you died 5,000 years ago." She says.

I look at her confused. "You, you don't remember how you died, do you?" Mana asks. "No, I don't. I know I locked myself in the millennium puzzle but I'm not sure how." I say. She takes a shaky breath. "After you defeated zork, and gave Seth your kingdom, you asked me to help you lock your mind in the puzzle. Mahad was there as well inorder to guide me. I found the spell, but as I read it, I knew not only would it lock you away, but you wouldn't survive, and neither would I. It was a risky spell. But, you needed to keep zork locked away." She stops for a second. I see tears run down her eyes. "Mahad, told me there was one way for me to live, but, either way you would go. But if I did it like that, your memory wouldn't be restored the moment you were revived, so before I did the spell, o entrusted one family to the secret of getting your memories back. You told me to erase your memory anyways. Then, as I cast the spell, I knew my life would end the next night. In your eyes you were happy. Your last words, were to never forget our friendship. I cried as you closed your eyes, and your soul without memories, entered the puzzle. To make sure that the memories didn't enter, I disassembled the puzzle." Mana says. "We buried you in your tomb with Lapis." She says. I smile.

I write a letter to y/n letting her know I'm okay. I know Bakura is still out there. I won't rest until he's caught.


I have been taking care of the twins and the kingdom since Atem left. So many people are offering help to me while my husband is away. Especially since I recently found out something. About two weeks after Atem left, I started getting sick. Sure enough, I'm pregnant again. This time though it will be roughly a month after the twins birthdays.

A solder from the camp comes. "Your highness" he says. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "The king has been injured." He says. I gasp. "I-is he alright?" I ask frightened. "I think so, he was still alive when I left. Even if it's bad I'm sure Mahad or Mana will help him." He says. I sigh. Then another messager comes in with a letter from Atem. It reads,

My dear y/n.

Don't worry love, I am safe. But Bakura is still out there. Don't worry, I have to take it easy for a few days before I can personally return to battle but I still won't rest until he's caught. I love you.

Love Atem.

I smile at his letter. I'm glad he's okay. But I think I need to tell him I'm pregnant again. I don't know if it's just one or if it's twins again, but I feel he still needs to know. I write my letter telling him the good news.


Atem's POV
"Ow" I tell. "Stay still Atem. If you keep moving, I can't change your bandages." Mana says. I hold still. "I thought you said I was healed?" I ask. "That doesn't mean it still won't hurt. Besides I couldn't heal all of you. You know that" she says. I sigh. "You're right. I'm sorry." I say. She finishes my bandages and I check on other wounded men. Luckily everyone will still be able to fight once they are better. Many of them only had a minor injuries. Luckily yugi, joey, and seto didn't have any. For now I'll be on the sidelines coming up with plans for the war. "My king, a letter from your wife" the messenger I sent to tell y/n I'm okay says. I thank him. I take the letter and smile at her beautiful handwriting. It reads,

Dear Atem,

I'm glad your okay. I miss you so much and it would have been really hard if you died. But I have some news. I recently found out that I'm pregnant again. It's too early to tell if it's twins again or not but I at least wanted you to know. My due date is in February this time though. I love you so much and continue fighting. I can only hope and pray that you are home by the time the new baby comes. Send me some name ideas if you can. And remember, believe in the heart of the cards.

Love y/n

I can't believe it. Y/n is pregnant again? Gives me more reason to end Bakura and get home. I write her another letter to give her some name ideas and tell her I'm glad she told me. Mana takes time to try and heal me more. Soon, I'm feeling ready to fight again. I know Bakura could try the castle since he thinks I'm dead, but I think he wants to take over other city's first. So, we head the the closest one. Hopefully this war will be ending soon.

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