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Arnav took Kushi to hospital. Both got admitted. Kushi was not opening her eyes........ While Arnav's pain was getting worse. They both underwent treatment.

Arnav opened his eyes and called Meera first.

Meera - Hi Jiju....

Arnav - Meeru, I just got into an accident.

Meera stood up in shock - What ?

Arnav - Don't panic. It's a very small accident. My left hand got sprained. That's all. Nothing much. But Kushi.....

Meera - Jiji..... What happened to her ?

Arnav - She was with me when the accident happened. She got shocked and fainted there itself. So I got her also admitted.

Meera - In our hospital only na....

Arnav - Yeah. We both are at clouds only. So just called you to inform.

Meera - Iam coming there....

Arnav - No no. Meera stay home itself. I will take care of Kushi. You don't worry. I just called you to inform this.

Meera - Fine Jiju. Take care. If you want anything, give me a call.

Arnav - Sure Bacha. Good night.

Meera - Bye Jiju.

Arnav hung the call and called Dasrath and said the same to him and asked him to take care of the kids.

He went to the room where she was admitted. He looked at her face and caressed it. He bent down and kissed her forehead.

A thin layer of tears formed in his eyes. He can't bare the thought of her going away..... He didn't knew how come she became this important for him. But this woman lying here is his lifeline. Even after surrounded with bunch of relationships, his heart just aches for this woman. Because she is special.... An angel born for him..... He just can't let her go......

A nurse came inside - Sir.

Arnav turned to her - Yeah....

Nurse - Sir, as you had an accident, Doctor is asking for you to undergo a scan. Can you come with me sir ?

Arnav looked at Kushi worriedly.

Nurse - Sir Mam is under sedatives. She will be resting. You can come with me.

Arnav nodded his head and stood up and went with nurse to undergo scan.

Arnav was asked to undergo numerous test. He patiently underwent all the tests he was asked to.

Doctor - Sir we will get the reports by tomorrow.

Arnav - Fine then. Can we go home ?

Doctor - After Mam wakes up you can go home sir. She is alright. Just shocked.

Arnav - Ok.

He stood up and went to Kushi's ward and saw her still unconscious. He sighed and sat beside her.

After few minutes Kushi stirred and started moaning and murmuring something. Arnav got alert and patted her cheek and called her name again and again.

Kushi finally opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings with her drowsy eyes. Her eyes landed on Arnav who was calling her and caressing her hair gently.

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