Kushi returns

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Arnav was sure now that he would turn mentally mad for sure if this situation continues. He really wants to fly to London. But his VISA had to expire now only...... He sighed and went inside to lye on his bed. He took his phone and saw many notifications. His eyes grew wider as he saw '15 Missed calls from Kushi '

Arnav - Oh shit......

He called her again but she didn't pick the call. He tried again and again but there was no response.

Arnav - I think she is angry with me. Damn you Raizada.....

He tried once again and the phone came switched off. He sighed and kept the phone aside sadly.

Arnav - I am sorry Kushi. I really didn't saw your calls.

He said as if she's Infront of him. He sighed and laid on his bed.

While on the other side Kushi who got angry at Arnav for his behaviour switched off the phone.

Kushi - This is just Heights. What does he think of himself ? It's been days he talked to me. Can't he call me ? I won't send any text or call him.

She huffed wiping the angry tears that is flowing continuously and fell on the bed closing her eyes tightly.

Days passed with Arnav trying to call her and she ignoring him. Everyone expected her to come back within a week but her schedule got delayed and tickets weren't available. So her stay got extended nearly a week. Arnav got very upset due to that and spent more time in his office to keep himself occupied.

After many tormenting moments the whole week passed away.

Finally the day came when Kushi is going to come back Delhi. Arnav was walking to and fro in the airport waiting lounge. He arrived airport Two hours early and is passing. As the Announcement for Kushi's flight came........ Arnav's heart fluttered in joy. He was anxiously looking at the Arrival.

After a whole half an hour Kushi came out. Arnav smiled wide seeing her in person. He jumped inside as he saw her nearing him. A thin layer of happy tears formed in his eyes and he couldn't control himself anymore and ran to her engulfing her in a tight hug.

Kushi was stunned and shocked to react in any way. She was totally blank. She just stayed in his hold closing her eyes feeling him after many days.

Before she come out of the shock, Arnav came out of the hug and cupped her cheeks looking at her from top to bottom not able to believe that she is there for real. He smiled.

Arnav - Welcome Kushi. How are you ?

Kushi frowned looking at him. She was confused for a minute. Then she thought about her decision to ignore him.

Kushi - Fine Mr. Raizada...... Let's leave.

Arnav was blank hearing her addressing him as Mr. Raizada.

Arnav - Kushi.......

Kushi - I said Let's leave. I am tired.

Arnav nodded his head silently and followed her. Kushi stuffed her luggage in the car. She was about to get in front seat when she saw him looking at her.

She closed the front door and settled herself inside the back seat. Arnav looked at her through Mirror and sighed.

Arnav - Seems she is very angry at me. What shall I do now ? For now let's keep quite. We'll speak afterwards. My wifey must be tired.

He started the car and drove it slowly and silently. She was calling someone and placing few orders. She looked at him few times who was concentrated on driving alone.

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