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The Holi ended on a good note for every couple. For Kushi it was a bit more than others. Only she knew how much she tried to control her blush seeing herself in the bathroom mirror with colours here and there. She felt as if she was still in his hold.

Next day -

Kushi was packing her bags thinking about her family. She is not willing to go to London. She wanted to spend her time with this family. But She have to go to complete some formalities. Arnav was waiting for her in Living room.

Sighing she packed her bags and took her luggage out. To her surprise whole family was waiting on the living room as it was 4 A M. She thought everyone must be sleeping.

Kushi - Mumma, You all.....

Mansi - We all were waiting for you Kushi.

Kushi - You guys should be resting.

Avanthi - Leave it na. You go safely and after reaching call Arnav and inform him.

Dasrath - Haan beta, Eat well. Don't skip your food. And don't worry about anything here. I'll look after everyone. Ok.

Kushi laughed and hugged him - Done Papa. Bye.

Everyone kept instructing her as if she's a baby going to her first excursion trip. Kushi smiled overwhelmed with everyone pampering her. She bid bye to everyone and started to Airport with Arnav.

She was smiling thinking about her family. Arnav looked at her smiling face and his heart sank...... Not that he is sad seeing her smile...... But won't she miss him ? Doesn't she feel down flying to London leaving him behind ? Doesn't he hold at least a bit important place in her life that makes her miss him ? Don't she have a bit of feelings for him ? He frowned and continued driving with these thoughts clouded in his mind.

After few minutes Kushi looked at Arnav and tried to talk with Arnav to which he replied in a monosyllabic words.

Kushi thought may be he is tired and kept quite to not disturb him.

They both reached Airport and Arnav helped her to take the luggages. Arnav was looking at her who was checking her bag for Passport and other necessary things......

She is absolutely normal. Something dawn in his mind...... He don't held such close position in her life. He is just like a normal other person in her life. This has made him feel miserable.

Kushi kept her things safely and turned to Arnav.

Kushi - Arnav, take care. Don't work late night. Have food properly. Ok.

Arnav just nodded his head. He kept his face straight. She got upset with his behaviour but never mind..... May be he is very tired. She let that go.....

Kushi - Arnav.....

She didn't even started when the announcement for her check in came.

Arnav - It's getting late. You should go inside. It's time for Check in.

Kushi looked at him silently and nodded her head. Picking her luggage, she started moving inside. Arnav looked at her, He didn't even know that bidding bye to her is such a difficult moment. He didn't thought that seeing her going away would be this hard. He felt something heavy in his chest. He didn't want to stand there anymore to see her going away. So he turned and without even looking back he started his vehicle and drove away.

Kushi who wanted to see Arnav got hurt seeing him going away just like that. Tears pooled in her eyes and she stood watching him going away.

She went inside to check in and boarded her flight and sat on her seat and wiped her lone tears that threatened to flow freely.

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