Kushi's reply.

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Kushi looked at him stunned hearing his confession. She didn't expect this blow. This was something that she didn't even imagined. Her Husband loves her is something that took time to sink in her brain. She gasped as she processed his words.

Arnav - Kushi please don't cry.

Arnav said looking at her teary eyes. He sighed - Fine. I will not ask you anything. Not even a single thing. Promise........ But please Baba don't cry.

Kushi looked at him and hugged him startling him. She buried her face in his chest clutching his shirt firmly.

Arnav - Kushi..... Kushi please don't cry.

He tried to break the hug but she was stubborn to let him go. His Heart sank seeing her crying. He held her tightly whispering numerous sorry to her.

Kushi came out of the hug and fully wiped her eyes. Her eyes became puffy.

Kushi - First do everything that makes me cry and now say Don't cry..... Don't cry.

Arnav kept quite this time.

Kushi - Who are you to decide everything of my life ? Who are you to dream everything on my behalf ? This is the last time...... Next time you dream anything for us, you will first ask me..... Am I clear ?

Arnav - Clear. I will not do anything without asking you.

Kushi wiped her tears on her cheeks - And I have something to tell you also...... In fact few conditions that you have to follow here after.

Arnav - Fine.....

Kushi frowned looking at him - Number one...... I will never change my surname legally.

Arnav - I never asked you to do so.....

Kushi - Just say Ok and Not Ok. No need to back answer me.....

Arnav sighed - Fine.

Kushi - You will never ignore me anytime hereafter.

Arnav - Never.

Kushi - You will message or call me whenever you are free.

Arnav - Sure.

Kushi - You will never give that mesmerizing smile of yours to anyone other than me.....

Arnav frowned - Ahhh ?

But seeing Kushi's glare he immediately said - Done.

Kushi - That soft voice of yours is only reserved for me. Not for anyone else.

Arnav was confused on why is she speaking all this. He really didn't knew whether she is in her right sense or not.

Kushi - I am asking you something.....

Arnav jerked from his thoughts - Haan..... Ok.

Kushi moved a bit close to him - You will never ignore my calls or messages.

Arnav sensed the shaking voice of hers. He cupped her cheek - Never.

Kushi - If we had a fight ever, You will never let me go to bed with unsolved issues.....

Arnav - Never.

Kushi - You will love me more than that laptop of yours...

Arnav chuckled - Ok.

Kushi - If I add any conditions you will obey that also....

Arnav smiled forgetting the tension looking at her wired demands - Fine.

Arnav - Kushi Thum......

He wanted to ask whether she is ok or not but a little delay in his answers she is getting all riled up. She glared at him....

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