Kushi's demand....

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Two days passed away......

Kushi is well now. She shared few talks with family members. Mansi has been back to normal. Radha Dadi asked Vasundra Dadi and said Kushi to perform First rasoi Rasam.

Kushi too agreed for that. She asked Dadi - Dadi what is the menu?

Vasundra Dadi - Anything you wish for..... Whatever you make we will eat ?

Kushi thought for sometime and said - Fine assmeble at Dining after two hours......

Dadi - Ok.

Avanthi and Mansi went to kitchen to help her. But she asked them to not.  She said she'll make everything by herself.

Kushi took Meera's phone and played her favorite song and humming it she started to cook. This is a favorite hobby of her's. She just loves cooking along listening to songs. This is one way of stress buster for her. All her tensions and stress just flew away when she spends time at kitchen. She got a list of everyone's favorite and finalised few items and finished cooking after one and half hour. 

It was 9 AM

Everyone was sitting eagerly looking at Dining where Kushi was arranging everything with Maid's help. 

Arnav came down speaking something to someone on his phone.

He looked at everyone sitting on the sofa without going to dining. He looked at the time.....  It was showing 9. By this time everyone will be having breakfast. He is also feeling hungry. That's why he came down.

Arnav - Mumma,  Bhabhi.....  What happened ? Why you all are sitting here ? Didn't you all started breakfast ?

Rekha - Actually chote....  We all are eagerly waiting for having breakfast today.

Arnav got confused - What is so special today?

Avanthi - Kushi is making breakfast today. We are eager to taste her handmade food.

Arnav looked ahead at dining where kushi almost finished arranging everything.

She moved near the Family and called everyone to breakfast. Everyone went and occupied their seat. Breakfast was served and everyone started eating and everyone had a small three letter word in their mind.....

" Wow..... "

Kushi looked at everyone having breakfast with a satisfied smile. She breathed in relief. She loves cooking but never in her life she had made food for these much people together. She didn't knew how was its outcome.... But seeing them eating with smile she got satisfied and She also started eating.

After breakfast everyone washed their hands and sat on the living room.

Vasundra Dadi - Come here Bitiya.....

Kushi went near her.

Vasundra - You have maa Annapurna's blessings in your hands. You cook very superbly.  This is for you.....

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