𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖵𝖨

653 19 11

One Month Later

They had unchained him, after discovering that he could not in fact break down the door of the 'sanctuary , as Bianca liked to call it.

Percy flexed his almost healed hand, it still hurt when he moved it though. Fortunately, he had not been stabbed since but the beatings hadn't lessened. He would always get lectures about holding his tongue from Bianca but well, it wasn't working.

Luke punched Percy in the gut for fun yesterday, resulting in Percy delivering a rainbow of curses, which in turn lead to fifteen lashes by leather.

The bruises from Octavian's kicks were still fresh on Percy's bare torso. Percy winced as Bianca applied an organic paste she had gotten from a kind guard the other day on Percy's various cuts and bruises he had received from his countess beatings.

"Well there is ... Charles. He could help us." Everything about how Rachel said the name made Percy's heart fill with doubt .

"Beckendorf ? The one who gave me the paste?" Bianca asked, her voice a bit more hopeful as she started redoing Percy's bandages.

"That's the one, I could try and talk to him." Rachel still sounded like she wasn't sure if she'd just had the best idea ever or the worst idea ever.

"Try anything, please, we have to get out of this godforsaken place." Percy pleaded with the red head.

"I'll try." Rachel tried to sound reassuring. But Percy could see the doubt behind her eyes.

"They'll kill us if they find out." Bianca started, tying a bandage on Percy's ribs. She had been patching him up, even when Percy insisted he could do it himself, Bianca would only send him a glare.

"We'll have to risk it." Percy said, slumping against the wall.

That day, when a girl named Nancy brought them their food, Percy kept his mouth shut. Even when Nancy would taunt him and call him names, the green-eyed boy managed to not send a colorful array of curse words towards her.

"What's wrong, who cut off his tongue?" Nancy said as she threw three metal plates to the ground. Percy was about to yell at her and tell her that if she didn't shut up he'd cut hers when Rachel nudged his elbow by her own urgently .

"Oh Charlie, be a dear and keep an eye on the mute bastard for the night." Nancy mused, her red hair bobbing behind her as she left the room.

"Its Beckendorf, Bobofit, not Charlie." It was the last thing Percy heard before the door closed and an uncomfortable silence followed.

"So?" Bianca asked, fiddling with her hands.

"We talk to him."

Rachel and Percy exchanged a look, one that clearly meant now or nothing .

"Here goes." Rachel sighed before she got to her feet and moved slowly toward the door, it was almost dark out, so Percy only heard three raps on the door, and it swung open.

"What is it?" The man on the door asked. His voice was soft, and he didn't sound irritated when he asked Rachel what the problem was.

The two in the doorway began arguing in whispers about something. Percy tried his hardest to listen in, but he failed miserably, Rachel and Charles were so quiet that Percy was sure none but the other could hear them. After a boring few minutes Rachel came and flopped down opposite to the two accomplices.

"What did he say?" Bianca asked, doing a poor job of hiding her anticipation.

"He said he can't do much, just get us weapons, that's all." Rachel said, looking defeated. Her expression changed from disappointed to bewildered when she looked at Percy.

The green-eyed one was smiling, but not his usual troublemaker smile. This was crooked, his eyebrows were arched, and his muscles were tight. The look in his eyes made Bianca want to cower in fear.

"That's all I need." Percy said.

Ik it's short , dont kill me , who am I kidding . No ones even reading my crap . Oh well, if anyone does like it (like that'll ever happen) I'll try to upload but I cant increase the chap length.


𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝕻𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 (𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖔𝖑𝖞𝖒𝖕𝖚𝖘)Where stories live. Discover now