𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖷𝖨

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That bLoNdE girl lmao, but seriously, song of the year potential. An update, finally. Two more and the epilogue, that's it.

Annabeth turned the wheel again, evading another giant wave. Thunder rumbled and waves lapped against the ship. Rain splashed on her clothes, and they began to cling to her body, but she somehow managed to steer the ship. Through the sound of the howling wind and booming thunder, she could hear light footsteps step across the deck to the wheel.

"Annabeth!" Percy said, trying to get her attention, and just then, lightning cracked in the sky. Annabeth jumped, scared it was an enemy again but relaxed as her boyfriend's face came into focus.

Annabeth cocked her head, indicating she was listening.

"We're heading toward the mainland, we should get there a lot quicker. Maybe by day after tomorrow. " He yelled over the sound of more thunder. Annabeth nodded, not lifting her gaze from the crashing waves.

"You sure you can handle this? I can take the wheel for you." She heard Percy say. Normally, Annabeth wouldn't have yielded to that offer but considering the storm and that Percy was a much better sailor, and he was stronger, meaning he wouldn't have as much trouble steering the galleon, she almost did. Then she remembered his wounded arm.

"No, get Jason or Frank." Annabeth shouted over the wailing gust whipping her clothes. Percy looked like he wanted to argue but thought better of it.

Piper slowly ran a brush through Annabeth's wet gold locks and tied it into a ponytail. The silver eyed girl continued to trace the map in front of her with her finger. Suddenly, Annabeth let out a gasp and Piper nearly dropped the brush.

"Holy Hera, Annabeth, what is it?"Piper asked, clutching her chest like she was experiencing fast palpitations.

Annabeth looked at Piper with big, wide, stormy eyes and said "If we take this route," she pointed toward a spot on the map."We should get there in a few hours."

Piper's eyes lit up with a lust for justice as she said "Go inform the captain."

The blonde was on her way to the Reyna's bedroom when Rachel bumped into her.

"I'm sorry." Annabeth muttered as she continued her walk toward the room.

"You better be." Rachel sneered "Why don't you look where you're going?"

"On second thought, I'm not sorry." Annabeth said, narrowing her eyes at the redhead. Rachel turned to face her, and to Annabeth's surprise, she looked shameful.

"I'm sorry." Rachel muttered and continued on her path as Annabeth muttered a couple of curses under her breath as she knocked on her cousin's door.

"Yes?" A voice came from inside the room.

"Its urgent." Annabeth said impatiently. Reyna swung open the door and dragged Annabeth inside.

"What?" she asked, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. Annabeth brandished the map and informed Reyna of her discovery. The captain nodded as Annabeth spoke and when she finally finished, she examined the map for herself.

"That means we have the element of surprise on Luke." Reyna mumbled.

"I know a few civilians who could get us past the guards into the palace." Jason appeared in the doorway of Reyna's room. The leader nodded and stood up.

Reyna walked to an open doorway as the dim moonlight lit up her features. Her ebony eyes shone with a thirst for revenge as she dramatically sighed.

"Well then," Reyna said "it's time we take back our home."

After a rather intense meeting with the rest of the crew, Annabeth retreated to her room. They had decided to launch an immediate attack on the palace and remove Luke from the throne with minimum damage.

Like it was going to be that easy.

A knock on the door distracted Annabeth form her thoughts. She opened the door. It opened to reveal Percy.

"Annabeth!" He said excitedly, wrapping her in an embrace. Annabeth wrapped her own arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Who made you so giddy?" Annabeth asked Percy as they both flopped down onto the bed beside each other. They'd grown up together, this wasn't their first time sharing a bed.

"You." He responded, kissing her deeply. He wrapped his arms around Annabeth torso, and she pulled him into her, playing with his wet hair. After a few minutes, Percy pulled away and they both just lay there, enjoying each other's company until Percy started to snore.

Annabeth had never felt so elated. Then, she looked at Percy and realized that he would have the biggest target on his back the next day. Annabeth sighed, closed her eyes, and drifted off.

However, her sleep didn't last long. She awoke quickly in a cold sweat. She had only closed her eyes for a few moments and a nightmare had carved into her mind. Annabeth had seen Luke impaling Percy in her dream. Sticking a dark blade straight through his torso. She gulped, she would not let that happen but, what if she couldn't save him?

A hundred shields seemed to be crushing Annabeth as a warm tear slipped down her face. She quickly wiped it away.

Annabeth pressed her lips to Percy's ear. "I love you.",She didn't know if he could hear her, but if they were going to die, she wanted those to be her last words.

"I love you more." He murmured.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and felt his warmth. He was awake, Annabeth smiled softly. Percy flipped around to face her.

"Why are you worried?" He asked, concern etched on his face.

"Dream." She replied, feeling her heartbeat pick up a little.

"I don't mean to pry but." Percy stopped taking mid-sentence, a que for Annabeth.

"Y-you died." She stuttered.

Percy immediately wrapped both his arms around her, and she buried her head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. " He said. Annabeth nodded and placed a tender kiss on his jaw.

"We're staying together." He promised "You're not getting away from me, never again."

Gods, what did she do to deserve him?

"As long as we're together." She replied, pecking his lips.

Annabeth closed her eyes and fell asleep again, this time, without nightmares.

No, Rachel isn't a bitch. She's just hurt. Also, I dont really like this story, so if it seems I rushing to end it. I am .


𝕽𝖔𝖞𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝕻𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘 (𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖔𝖑𝖞𝖒𝖕𝖚𝖘)Where stories live. Discover now