|12| Alaska

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Chapter Twelve: Alaska

"What do you mean you want to go to Alaska?" Esme said, confused. Everyone had just gotten settled down in Forks. It was perfect. A town small enough to not have any other supernaturals (if you didn't include the wolf tribe across the way which technically didn't count since La Push was separated from Forks). And the fact that this area of Washington was mostly cloudy and had miserable weather which meant that the entire coven could spend their days outside.

"I just... need some time away from here," Edward said.

Jasper shifted in his spot next to Alina so he could wrap his arm around her; this conversation was upsetting her. It didn't show on her face, but Jasper knew better. Even without his gift, he knew better than anyone when it came to Alina.

"If it's going to be too hard, Edward, we'll all come with you," Carlisle said. Rosalie rolled her eyes, she liked Forks and didn't want to start over her life just yet.

"No. It's fine."

"Please. I insist you take at least someone. Just to make sure you're okay."

"Carlisle. I'll be fine."

Esme agreed with her husband, "Edward, for our peace of mind."

"Fine. I'll take Alina. It's been a while since she's seen the Denali's." And with that Edward left the room, leaving the rest of his family to talk.

Jasper looked like he was about to argue, but thought better of it when Alina stood up and began walking out of the room and towards her own. He started to trail behind her, not wanting to spend a second apart when he didn't know how long she would be gone for. It would be torture, he knew that as much. It always was when they weren't together. He just hoped that she wouldn't be gone for long, he wouldn't know how to survive without her.

Instead of focusing on that, he sat down on their bed (which they didn't buy to sleep on) and watched her pack. She grabbed a couple of shirts, two pairs of jeans and a few other bits she would need. It all fit perfectly in the rucksack she found in their closet.

"What are you going to do when I'm gone." She asked, moving to sit next to Jasper who in turn, wrapped his arm around his fiancée so she was cuddled into him.

"Hmm... wait for you to return?"

"You could... I don't know... finally clear out the closet. You've been saying you'll do it for months." Alina laughed. It had been driving her crazy. "Bit more productive than sitting around."

"Okay. That's what I'll do then."

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