|34| In due time

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Chapter Thirty-Four: In due time

Things did seem to be better for Alina after her talk with Esme. Maybe it's because she had finally told someone how she was feeling or maybe it was the fact she knew she had someone on her side. Either way, things were looking up.

And when things got too much for her, she would spend the night with Bella, with Charlie under the impression that the two over them were having a sleepover. Alina couldn't say she hadn't grown fond of the human girl in the time they had spent together, but when she droned on about menial things like math class, she wondered why she endured her friendships with Bella.

"-and that's why I don't get geometry."

"Why does this matter?" Alina said, standing up from Bella's bed and moving over to her desk. "I mean. You're going to be dead soon enough. Geometry doesn't play into that, well as far as I'm aware anyway."

Bella sighed. "Edward doesn't want me to turn."

"But the Volturi-"

"I know... but what can I do?"

"I'll do it." Bella looked up in shock at the girl. She hadn't expected that. She had thought that Edward would've told his family how Bella should stay human and why they shouldn't interfere. Alina took her silence as a prompt to continue. "I mean, why wouldn't I? You've grown on me. And your whole bleeding thing is very annoying for a family full of vampires."

"Really? You'd do that?"

"In a couple years. If Edward hasn't." Alina smiled before continuing. "I'm always looking for a way to annoy him. It is very fun; you should try it out sometime."


Soon enough, the Cullen's started to reintegrate their lives back into Forks, and that meant going back to high school. Carlisle had managed to convince the secretary to have Alina and Jasper back into their old classes again so they could have some form of normalcy back.

"Did you see the looks Edward and Bella got this morning when they showed up together?" Alina whispers to Jasper who was sharing her desk with her. She was trying to reach out to him again. Ever since he came home to find her, he had been cold and distant although he denied it on every account.

"No." Jasper shrugged. He was trying to say more to her but he just didn't know what to say anymore. HE knew he still loved her with his entirety but it just wasn't conveying anymore.

"Everyone seemed jealous."

"I don't know why. Its only Edward."

Alina laughed, before resting her head on Jasper's arm. It still wasn't the same as it was before, but it was a start and she knew that they would get there in due time.

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