Chapter 7

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The bird was so adorable. Olivia love animals. She was going to touch it . But it fly in sky and trun into a handsome angel. It has a beautiful eye like whole sky is in his eye. It have two wings. It was beautiful. Olivia looked at him
for some time. But she faint in fear . The
angel caught him before she fall.

Olivia's P.O.V

Wow a cute bird.  I never seen such a cute
bird.  It was full white like clouds.  It was
has eye like blue sky . I wanna keep this bird.
I was going to touch it. But what happened?
It fly in sky and start turning into a strange things.  It is a angel. It was very beautiful. 
I don't know why my heart start beating
faster. My eye wasn't moving for him . He
is very handsome and adorable. But was
lost at him but wait what is happening. 
How can I see a angel.  That is impossible.
I start feeling dizzy. I can't stand.  I start to
fall down  . But I feel something caught me.
I closed My eyes.

The angel's P.O.V

After thousands year finally this day come .
Now we are going to get rid from black magic. Hole fairly land will get freedom. I start to find where is the source of this magic.  I follow it
and it stop infront of a girl. When I look at her My heart start melting . She was looking at me with a cute face. I just fall in love with her. I feel like a moon came in my all darkness. A I just wanna stare at her in hole life. I wanna become togetherforever.  No one can apart us.  I start trun myself in my true from. She looked at me curiouly . Wait why she starts feeling afraid. I saw fear in her beautiful eyes is full with fear . She starts faint . I go and caught her . She closed her eye . She faint because of fear. She was looking more beautiful after closing eye . Carry her into her room . And put her in bed.  I have to go . Maybe she is not ready to face this reality this time. So I left her alone.

Olivia wake up and find herself in room. She was lying on bed. Then she start remember what happened in roof . She can't believe she saw a real angel .But how she reached in her room  . She can't believe in her eye. She did not understand what she have to do  next.  What will happen after this . She is very confused and afraid.

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