Chapter 8

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It is night. Moon is shining in sky .
World is still busy like always. Some
people is sleeping. Or some people maybe enjoying the moonlight with a cup of coffee.
But it is a worst night for Olivia. She is still worried about what happened in afternoon.
She can't understand anything  maybe
because she forgot what reflection tell .
She is very afraid. It is that time the light
hit her . Now she is afraid what will happen tonight.  She can't understand what happened
in morning. She is alone in room, door are closed.  Her hole family is sleeping this time .
She is  sitting on his bed. It is cold outside. Suddenly she smell a beautiful fragrance.
But she is worried. Because it is same smell. 
She trun into her true from Again. She is standing in front of mirror but this time 
her  reflection didn't came and talk . She is waiting infront of mirror but no one come.
She doesn't know what to do. She many time
call her reflection this doesn't came. Maybe it will never come back. But why she is still in
her true from?. She can't trun into normal . Suddenly she noticed a black figure in window.
She almost have a heart attack. She is afraid. She thinks maybe it is a this. In this situation she can't call her parents or her secrets will come in from of them. 

"Who is there "Olivia ask afraidly. But she doesn't get any answer. Even the figure doesn't move.

"I am asking for last time who is here? Reply me or I will scream. Hole people of apartment will come here"Olivia give warning to the figure.

Now she is thinking this in not this this is something else. She see a fruit cuting knife in her room .  She pic it up and and try to go near of the figure.

"This is my last warning . If u don't make any response I will kill you. " Olivia tell afraidly. But it doesn't move. Suddenly light of her room become off. She scream loudly but no one listen it from outside of room . She become more afraid.

Suddenly she saw the black figure is gone form window. She trun back and see this is in her room. She scream loud and faint.

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